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PFC Strange

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    Curious George
  1. @godarklight: Thanks for the information. I've figured out how sharing vessels works currently and it is perfect for the server my brother and I are playing on. One thing I did notice last night was that the asteroids on our server keep resetting every time I log on. I logged into the server, tracked a bunch of asteroids (even renamed a couple), and then logged off. The next time I logged back in all of the asteroids I had tracked were gone and a new batch of asteroids were spawned. Is there any way to make the asteroids persistent between logins? It's not much fun to have the Class E asteroid on an impact trajectory with Kerbin disappear every time I log off.
  2. This is an absolutely amazing mod. However, I do have a couple of questions that I can't seem to find an answer to. I know that proper vessel permissions are planned for a future version but how do things work currently? As far as I can tell, you can't take control of another player's vessel and there doesn't appear to be a setting to change this. Is there any way to change this (I'm on a server with my brother and it would be great to be able to switch who is driving what spacecraft)? If this is not possible how will things work when we build a space station together? Can we each dock our own spacecraft/modules to the station? Who gets control if this happens? Can resources be transferred between different player's vessels?
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