Not sure if this has been sugessted before... but I have found that a Munar landing an return can be accoplished relitivaly easily after some practice. So I tried to complete a tougher objective and came up with a neat challange. Mostly I would like to see the types of crafts ppl build to complete it. Objectives: Build a craft that can... 1) fly to the mun, 2) Land in each of the five dark craters on the surface 3) return safely to Kerbin All three objectives must be completed in a single flight (ie. go to mun, land in crater, travel to next crater, land etc.) Extra points for: Landing near the KSC Completing the mission in less than 24hrs (lifesupport/oxygen limit) Use only vanilla parts (good luck with this one) I will be posting screens of the ship I used to complete this challenge once I am back at home!