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    Rocketry Enthusiast
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    the Old Europe

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  1. Hello to everyone, KSP installed (steam); a few mods (KER/KIS/KAS/MJ/ScanSat/VesselView), and RPM - latest version from GitHub. No RPM views in stock pods is this normal ? In default version or in 64-bit, in science mod, or sandbox. What can be wrong ?
  2. Hello, fellow kerbonauts. A rapid search on the forum/the internet shown no results. I did uninstall / reinstall the game, without much improvement. My problem is : various mkII spaceplane (made in ksp 1.05) with inline mk2 clamp-o-tron have a trouble when reaching 1500 - 2000meters high and 150-200 m/s surface speed. On screen, the mkII clamp-o-tron disappear, and the view change, just as if this part was now way behind the plane. Any guess about this issue ? Shall I post some screenshot ?
  3. Great suggestion ! Thanks, just did a tweaking of the mkI lander to get "more or less" the same think (I had to rescale it, and change a bit of everything such as weight, remove monoprop and so on). I will give it a try
  4. Thank you for your quick answer ! I did notice during my search that it was not an easy thing to create - especially, with the change in Unity. But it would be usefull, at least in my case ! Maybe if the project is not that gargantuous, I might try myself.
  5. Hello, fellow Kerbonauts ! I would like to know if a surface-attachable "almost" weightless hatch exist ? My point is : I have an mkII bay inline with an mkII passenger cabine. I would like to allow my crew to "eva" from the rear-side of the cabine (=> in the cargo bay). Is there any way to do this ? I've done a few research, but so far I did not found any results.
  6. Is this mod still supported ? I mean - for v1.1, as until then it worked just fine !
  7. Hello everyone, I've just switched to the 1.1 pre-release with KIS/KAS alpha. So far, I mostly made use of winch mounted on my 1.05 aircraft, to realase ships / subs / rover from mk 2 bays => got once a glitch, tried to release a sub, nothing happened. Then, on take-off, the view switched to a distant one, just as if a part of the craft was way behind (still docked, released cable). I suppose this was associated with a mistake in the game loading. Rest is fine Now I will trys KIS for my ground-based refueling operation. Question : do we still have a shortcut to make the winch operation toolbar pop-up ? Regards to the dev !!! :-)
  8. Edited first post to show the pocket-submarine version, and the NERVa-SSTO design.
  9. So I made a nice submarine that fits in a cargo bay ! :-) http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/128563-meet-the-hag-edit-now-with-pocket-submarine-meet-the-hiper/
  10. So we could have a layer of liquid Alcohol on Laythe oceans, which should, of course, come with quiet a lot of alcoholic vapour. Interesting hypothesis ! Well, I just have to say, it is a bit annoying that my seaplane can not operate on Laythe but it opens the door for easy submarines exploration then ! I hope there are things to see !!! But unfortunately, I don't think that a mkII cargo bay can hold a nice submarine design.
  11. Greetings fellow Kerbogineer and Kerbonauts, First, merry christmas to all of you ! I have designed a seaplane - SSTO, based on a kerbin seaplane that met my expectations. During test and trials on Kerbin's water, everything went as expected : Front floaters have enough "clearance" to allow my boat out of the cargo bay. Then, while doing a few test on Laythe water (HyperEdit), found out that : As you can see, the plane now is much lower, despite having exactly the same fuel mass. As far as I understand, on Laythe, this craft should weight roughly 80% of its weight on Kerbin. Water displaced by floaters is the same in volume, and 80% in weight. So, it should have the same waterline, excepted if water on Laythe has a different density as water on Kerbin !!! Question : - Is Laythe Ocean made of lighter, freshwater ? - Is KSP buoyancy model taking part of the temperature ? - Why does the water looks clear on Kerbin, and not on Laythe ? My possible answers are : - I have a flaw in my above-stated assumption - Laythe water properties was not yet set as water on Kerbin - Laythe water properties differ from Kerbin's one intentionally What do you think ?
  12. Thanks ! Just added the navy-version ! I will upload pictures of a ground mission later (+craft file if the lander design looks good to some), and maybe the nuke-SSTO one, once it will have a better sea-behaviour on Laythe - I have work to do on it !
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