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Everything posted by plomp90

  1. Hi all, I started a new RP-0 for 1.1.2 and I'm getting a really inconvenient bug: None of my "crewed" contracts complete. The boxes just refuse to "check" themselves. It's not the "crewed" part that fails though, it's the velocity, vessel state and/or altitude parts of the contract that never complete. Example: http://imgur.com/Y8GsB9Y Here's my Gamedata: http://imgur.com/N3JERTz It's basically just all of the RP-0 package on ckan, plus some parts packs. I'm using linux 64-bit, not sure if that could be related. Thanks for your help. Edit: Just installed a fresh version of KSP and RP-0 and the bug is still there. Any help?
  2. Hi, I'm using Bobcat's Sovietpack's Soyuz, and none of the attachment nodes fit onto each other. The heatshield can't connect with the decoupler, the docking drogue refuses to sit on top of the DM, it's all screwed up. It's something to do with part clipping because when I turn part clipping on everything's fine. Edit: Scratch that, part clipping does nada.
  3. Double-checked everything, upgraded everything. Here's a screenshot of my game seconds before the heatshield explodes: The heatshield is a 3M one, the maxTemperature of which I edited to be much higher than normal, with absolutely no change in how quickly it explodes. Is this normal?
  4. I've done extensive testing and discovered that none of the heatshields work in normal reentry conditions, i.e. reentering from a 180 km orbit at around 6.8 km/s. It seems like the heatshields aren't being updated by RO, but I've redownloaded and reinstalled both DRE and RO, and nothing seems to work.
  5. Okay, but I'm not sure if that explains why the heatshield stayed intact while the pod exploded. Also, is there something in the procedural heatshield .cfg that I can tweak to make sure my pilot survives his reentry? Edit: I increased the maxtemp on the procedural heatshield to 60,000, and still the pod invariably explodes. Furthermore, the mk 1 pod actually has its own heatshield, which should be protecting the pod itself, but doesn't seem to do anything... Ideas? Edit 2: Okay I've got it, it is just the procedural heatshield. It seems to be transferring massive amounts of heat to the mk1 pod until it explodes. Gonna edit some cfgs to figure this one out, I don't want to have to send a rescue mission for my first kerbal flight. Edit 3: I WAS WRONG. Even without a procedural heat shield, the command pod mk 1 explodes out of nowhere at around 43 k, and this time, I have no idea why. Log says nothing, I'm at a loss. Launching a mk 1 straight up to 300 km and letting it fall straight down doesn't cause it to explode, it seems to be only coming in from orbit that does it, which suggests it might have something to do with the timeframe the heating occurs in. Would like a solution to this problem or an explanation, because I use mk 1s for pretty much everything...
  6. Hi, I seem to be having problems with reentry heating in the new RO, I have a procedural heat shield attached to a mk 1 command pod, and on reentry, the heatshield stays intact but the pod explodes. The pod is definitely entirely shielded by the heatshield. As the .... reenters, the ablation slowly increases to around 0.1 kg/sec on the command pod and around 0.3 kg/sec on the ablative shielding, and then at 55 km the pod explodes without warning, with both the pod and the heatshield still having almost all of their ablator. The log shows absolutely nothing, I've messed around with the cfg files, inclulding setting standardSpecificHeatCapacity to double its original value, but nothing changes the fact that the pod invariably explodes at around 55 km. Any explanation?
  7. In my installation, the space centre is in the middle of the ocean and there's no way to change launch sites in the tracking station. Might have something to do with the fact that I'm using linux, will check again on my windows installation.
  8. Hey, it's not exactly a bug per se, but it seems the Mercury-Atlas rocket made with FASA parts does not have enough delta-V to get to orbit -- it doesn't have as much as its real-life counterpart, that's for sure. I have gone through the engine stats, and sizes and masses of parts, and everything seems to match real life, but kerbal engineer gives the delta-V as around 7,900 m/s, which is only a little more than LEO speed, and thus nowhere near the 9.4k needed with gravity and drag losses. What's going on? Also, a minor point, the top of the FASA atlas tank is too small for the mercury capsule, though they should be the same size, and are in FASA without RO. Thanks for the help.
  9. Hey, I'm new to RSS, and I have a couple questions that I hope someone can answer: 1. What do you guys use to control your large launchers? It seems all of the heavy launch engines have no gimballing, and none of you guys seem to use wings or RCS. 2. Where are the download links to the crafts in this thread? It says that people should post the craft files for their crafts but I can't find them. Are they in the imgur links or something? I would really like to have a look at the heavy (>500t) launchers and see how the makers constructed them...
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