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Everything posted by xgu28

  1. looks good what about thedogs though? will he get territory?
  2. The whole blowing up buildings the fastest i feel will be covered so much that it won't be interesting to do.
  3. Yah i saw this, my question is, does destroying buildings make the unusable?
  4. sounds good to me - - - Updated - - - I have to agree with strahmDude on this one
  5. 4 turns is more than a year, sieges have lasted more time in one city during the Middle Ages, no one is going to have 159 BPs on one planet anyway, i say we make the ratio BPs/15 and round from that number(this also gives the person being sieged time to respond)
  6. ? the format that was used was much like that of a letter, i could understand it perfectly and your last sentence's logic is flawed- you are suggesting that because you could not understand a post your post must be somehow good, this does not have to be the case, and it certainly isn't, Majorjims post made sense. People are all too often quick to call someone out, but all to often the problem is not with the sender but the reciever. (I am aware of the certain irony of this statement)
  7. I think it might work with months
  8. I was thinking .5(BP produced)= siege time
  9. yah the trailer sounds good, but i think we should wait until we have things ironed out. The time it takes to capture a planet should be based on the infrastructure you have on it(the more the longer it takes) The infrastructure could be most easily counted by the number of BP it creates per turn, how this would play into capturing the planet idk
  10. the colony was built ages ago and because the mission was similar to Mars one they all died on laythe of natural causes, Spiritwolf decided not to invest any further into Laythe, after all the Kerbal military was a far bigger worry.
  11. a trailer would be pretty cool, could u send a link to the post? i still vote 3, more BP means more epicness. Unless i am mistaken we are doing a spin off of macey's series and we can edit the story as we please. Also i had a fun idea- blockading planets, if you have a fleet orbiting an enemies planet(a full 8 FP) and there are no enemy ships you can create a blockade meaning no BP from that planet produced can be used, your enemy can of course try to break the blockade by destroying the fleet doing the blockading.
  12. lol i still haven't made a skype, but when i do it will be xgu2800, also aren't we all in the steam group?
  13. its confusing, after all Donald Trump is Confucius reincarnated
  14. no, no, no, Donald Trump said he who can comb his hair over successfully wins much.
  15. he who cites a scientist wins many battles i think Confucius said that
  16. nah perhaps you are aware of newtons fourth law- An object with too many weapons tends to not have enough weapons
  17. The other day i was watching the movie, how to train your dragon(this first one) and it got me wondering, how would the fact that Toothless(a dragon) is missing a small wing impair his flight, would it be as dramatic as the movie makes it out to be, or would it just be incredibly difficult for him to fly? And if it would be impossible for him to fly with a missing wing, would just loping of his tail work just as well as creating a prosthetic wing? (disclaimer) I am by the way in no way obsessed with how to train your dragon
  18. yeah i am having a decoupling bug, what is up with that, is it just me? or is the kraken at work?
  19. yeah and the missiles as well.
  20. hey i've been thinking about the buildings and i think we should make it so it takes a turn to build things, has this been touched on? also choninja, 68 parts? Not to be rude but do you think you could get rid of some pointless parts, that is of course if you find any. This brings up a good point, instead of using 8 fleet points i think we should base it off of part count
  21. my only question is- how many parts is this?
  22. there is hooligan lab balloon mod but yeah in stock ksp there is no balloon. I wasn't necessarily trying to prove or disprove your point, i was just trying to see how far you could actually get using the rocket and balloon, but yes i think my math did prove you correct. anyway i think the only cheap, possible way to get kerbals into space would be to petition NASA
  23. If we limited the number of missiles any one ship had it would give great incentive to have lots of ships and thus have lots of missiles.
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