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  1. Just because you have an FTL technology do not you mean you finished with rockets or you can magically wave your hand and dispense with physics. I mean yes Squad could do that, but there is so many possibilities for an FTL drive that would require everything you've done in KSP beforehand. What if the FTL drive uses a wormhole outside the kerbal solar system you have to travel too? Or maybe it could work like Larry Niven's hyper drive, which requires the ship to outside of the sun's gravity well to operate. Maybe the Kerbals discover an alien artifact in the edge of the solar system they have to get to in order to use. There are so many options and ideas for a FTL travel that if squad does decide to implement it they can make it work with the game, at least I think they could. But I agree this would be a long ways off.
  2. I also cannot get the ion engine, battery, or solar panel to function. Also in the parts directory, the file names turn green, which is something I have never seen that before. All of the parts show up and work, except for the the electric ones. Keep up the great work guys!
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