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Everything posted by theguyinthemines

  1. 88 miles per hour! I made this for fun and
  2. http://imgur.com/xFVug4Y I just recently discovered this, a fault line, just at ksc! I name it: Kerb-andreas fault!
  3. (http://imgur.com/6ByUlAF) System: Windows 8 64-Bit This is what I got when I tried to install the Real Solar System mod in KSP 1.0.4. What have I done wrong? I put the textures in my RSS files. The files are in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\Plugins EDIT: there is a message while loading up: Module Manager: 3 patches loaded from cache
  4. The data is being beamed at lightspeed, but pluto is 9 light hours away from earth, which means that it takes light 9h to reach earth. Keep that fact
  5. http://imgur.com/90JgR14 Doge space program, Much wow!
  6. I got kerbin to enter laythe's atmosphere and crash into laythe, i feared that it would kill my kerbals on laythe. but it just continued in it's orbit
  7. I am loving being able to do this with hyperedit (Just cuz you can!): http://imgur.com/XXwXikp
  8. I fixed it. i just had to delete the demo and previous versions before running.
  9. i noticed it just as i clicked post. couldn't change it
  10. In memory of virgin galactic's SpaceShip two which crashed last week http://imgur.com/QntSNLX
  11. I saw the continent that KSC was on at the time. that's why I did that thing^ + one of my engines blew off at the time
  12. OMG! jeb can you see me?! get out a telescope and look at the edge of the mun! http://imgur.com/J9Y2BWg
  13. welp, KSP 0.7 was a little bit unstable. when you got so far away your craft would shake itself apart.
  14. Here is a new one under construction. It already has kerbal engineers!! http://imgur.com/kLHY7L1
  15. I thought of this today, and I thought it would be cool to have the unreleased versions(0.1 - 0.4) open to the public. I mean, it would be so cool to see how far KSP has come from then. -thanks.
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