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  1. http://clip2net.com/s/iP05lV - Thx man! It's really works! I'm from russian, and have a some problem with specific words. Thank you!
  2. Okay, how about this type? http://clip2net.com/s/iOYO5b
  3. Houston, i have a problem. I spend 2 days to get any little pice of Karbonte, build an launch 5 types of ships, latest http://clip2net.com/s/iOYafk and... nothing! Activate a drill give me nothing! Karbonite Tank empty! KSP from Steam, mod from dropbox. http://clip2net.com/s/iOYg56 What do i wrong? I send next ship on Minmus whith another modules - still nothins. Crap!
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