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Everything posted by Billman

  1. I am amazed you have Environmental Visual Enhancements and Distant Object working together. It's usually choose one or the other. And no Active Texture Management?
  2. Woah. It looks like I could create a Trimaxion drone ship with this. That would be awesome.
  3. That seems like default settings to me. It's what I use. I throw one small hex can on there just for Mun missions, and that's pretty much exactly the amount of life support it gives me. So I don't think it's a mess up, you're just using the "dragged it straight from the zip file into my Game Data directory" default settings.
  4. Nah, I got the ejecting EVA bug on stock during my first mission to make orbit on a new career save. Lost Bob because he just wanted to get some EVA reports real quick.
  5. Word. Reinstalled the new version. No problems. Thanks.
  6. Thanks. Removing ATM made my game playable again, and it's running smooth now. I have 16GB of RAM, so I guess I don't really need ATM anyway.
  7. Hey guys. I can't seem to find the sticky for proper reporting of problems. I'm having an issue with KSP crashing in the VAB while I'm trying to build stuff. Here is my player.log (I'm on a Mac). https://www.dropbox.com/s/yhqxkjilr4lso7b/Player.log?dl=0 It keeps saying Texture Replacer is looking for something it's not finding. But it didn't have any issues til after I installed Snacks, TAC Fuel Balancer, TAC Life Support and Station Science together. I'm on KSP 0.25 on Mac. Using the latest Texture Replacer (as well as those other mods listed) . I have a ton of mods I've been installing one at a time until I have issues trying to weed out bugs and such. I really don't think the issue is Texture Replacer, but that's what my log says is the issue. I'm lost as to how to make my game playable again.
  8. Here's a link to my log. I don't know how much of my recent data it's recording. https://www.dropbox.com/s/yhqxkjilr4lso7b/Player.log?dl=0
  9. Oh thanks for that! I wonder why Mac doesn't save them in the KSP folder. Oh well. Nice to know how to get them.
  10. Ok, scratch everything I posted. Trying this again, and now everything runs fine. I don't understand it. I just loaded my game up again, hit mod + f12, and everything is working properly. Now I feel stupid. If by some chance it does happen again, I'll post screenshots and stuff.
  11. No, not getting any crash logs or anything either. I'll test it again and see if anything comes up on the in game log. I'm running this on Mac if that makes a difference. I have never seen my Mac generate a log for anything in KSP.
  12. This is a great mod! It's essential if you want to use stage recovery. I don't want to add to the touchiness of this already emotional thread. But I haven't seen this reported elsewhere in the thread, and I just want to ask if there's something I've done wrong. I installed a bunch of mods, and then noticed whenever I reload a quick save, EVERY Part disappears except that capsule I'm currently flying. I started with a fresh install, and did one mod at a time, each on it's own (I had a lot of time) and then I came to RealChute, and it was the only mod I had installed on a fresh game. And when I made a quicksave, and reloaded it, all the parts but the capsule disappeared. This happens in flight, in orbit, and just sitting on the launch pad.
  13. Just tested it in a new game on my Macbook. It shows up on the Toolbar, but the Icon is just a purple box. When I click it, it will load the kerbals, but no ribbons (of course, I hadn't done anything yet). When I launched a mission, I earned no ribbons. Hope this helps.
  14. Doc, all we need is some dilithium. "HA! I'm sure in 2385, Dilithium is available in every corner drugstore.." At least we're down from "needing all the mass of the universe just to operate it for a nano second" to "jupiter's mass to make it to the nearest star." Sounds like we're getting there!
  15. I've tried everything I can think of. I made a fresh install of KSP, and then just installed only the interstellar mod. All the parts seem to be there, but nothing happens after I hit install update. The trees just don't show up when I click on select tree. Nothing happens. So I just have two questions. Can I play this mod on the stock tree (which will load) or is there a way to manually update the tree outside of the game?
  16. On the --select tree-- bar, I click it, nothing happens. No drop down menu appears. To the right, though, use stock seems to work just fine. I don't know how using the stock tree affects gameplay, though. I'm using the Mac version of 0.24.2 though, if that helps. I've tried it on a fresh install, and my main game with tons of mods. Same thing happens.
  17. No, it's happening to me in Career mode. I feel stupid, I'm sure I'm just missing something. This IS my first attempt at using interstellar.
  18. I installed the mod, and clicked update the tree on the upper left. But still, it won't let me load a tree. It just says --choose tree-- and nothing else happens. I can load stock to the right, but I don't get any options when I click the bar.
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