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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Per Kerbal Stuff that mod is not known to work in 1.0.4. Also, I have two reason I need the in flight button. The first is to correct resource transfer errors. Like when you select the wrong tank or not all of the tanks you needed to more resource to and now yor ship is out of balance. The second is to reduce the number of mods.
  2. Have you thought about adding a button to your resource transfer that would equalize or balance out the resources in the selected tanks? I love your mod but I need to have TAC Fuel Balancer installed just to balance tanks ever once in a while. It would be great if you add the function.
  3. What is needed is a check if SAS was on before you entered time warp do not spin the craft.
  4. I would like it if you could fix the problem with count down time. It appears that clocks always round down to the nearest second which is correct when you are counting up. When counting down you need to round up to the nearest second. The clock should read 1s until 0.000000s
  5. First I would like to say I like the option to remove the "Revert Flight" but I would like to suggest there be two Launch options the first is the standard launch option you have today without the option to revert the launch. The second is a launch simulation. Everything would be they same as the first option but you cannot exit the launch with out reverting. In other words you can test your ships and test you plan but cannot gain any rewards from you successes.
  6. Here is a formula to calculate the addition lift capacity for a single stage rocket. I have not been able to get the math to work with a multi stage or multi engine with different burn times. Ml = Mass the rocket can lift. Delta-V = Since Delta V and Mass have an invers relationship as you add mass to your rocket you will loss Delta V. You need to determine the delta V you wish to have with the addition mass. Mt = is the total Mass of the rocket with out the addition of Ml Mf = the mass of the fuel T = Thrust of the engines Bt = burn time
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