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Samniss Arandeen

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Everything posted by Samniss Arandeen

  1. 1.) I served in the United States Navy. I enjoyed it right up to the discharge. I'll try reenlisting at some point. 2.) Dad played it sometimes. Then I saw a few friends of mine playing it and joined in. Been hooked ever since. 3.) How can anyone NOT watch Scott Manley?...I can't stand Kurtjmac though. Thanks for the list of recommendations, I'll go to the Addon Requests about the CoT thing.
  2. That moment when you launch your SSTO, make it to the Mun...then find out the hard way landing on your wheels is highly inefficient on the Mun. And you didn't bring landing legs.
  3. 1.) Life is great. Getting a medical discharge from the military is tough, but KSP helps a bit. 2.) I've played it off and on for a few months, but only just bought my own copy. 3.) Transfers. I want to go to other planets but can't get the phase angles right. 4.) I'm pleased with the variety of parts and features that you can build damn near anything with. I'm annoyed with the lack of vessel information in stock KSP (the reason I installed MechJeb). A brief tangent: the Center of Thrust indicator in the editors accounts for ALL engines, not just the ones firing in a stage. Being able to see individual/groups of engines' CoTs would make spaceplane design easier. I have several other complaints but don't want to go ranting about them here. 5.) Certainly slower than 202 mph, that's for sure.
  4. *walks onto Quarterdeck, salutes national ensign* Hello, all. I honestly don't know what to say, so I'm going to let everyone else ask me anything.
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