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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Adding ground and orbital telescopes will be really fun to use! That could be the way to discover new asteroids and maybe moons and whatsoever. This has very big possibilities. As far as I know there were some mods that added this feature, but it was mostly cosmetic and they were all abandoned. So what do you guys think?
  2. Hi guys. I have some trouble with interstellar mod here and the engines actually. So this mod comes with a lot of engines, but i cant seem to get any of them to work. Now i've been trying the plasma thruster, which as far as i can see is an electric engine and it required liquid fuel too, so i made a simple rocket, which contained only reactor, electric engine, liquid fuel (tried with and without oxidizer and both failed) and the engine. The engineer says i have 30 000 delta V, 11000 ISP, and like 2 TWR, but when i start the engine and trottle up, the power manager says that it consumes power, but it wont thrust... it just stays there, no fuel is consumed, just power. Here is the setup (here the engine is not trotled up) http://s28.postimg.org/p1vmar4cd/screenshot2.png' alt='screenshot2.png'> imagen
  3. I got all the centers right and it worked just fine! Thank you all Who would've thought that couple of wings could save a whole space program O_o
  4. What is the best way to center the mass of the rocket, so it doesnt spin uncontrollably. I'm making quite tall rockets and i tried some things but nothing helped. At first i tried to put the center of mass as close to the engines as possible, but no effect. I've also tried to put it as higher as possible, LOTS of RCS and SAS, but still it spins out of control as soon as i start my gravity turn, no matter how slow i make it.
  5. I just fixed that problem, but posting anyway if someone encounters it. So i think i quite overloaded the game and it was exceeding the ram i have. I installed active memory manager and the memory usage dropped to no more than 1.5GB and its running just fine now. (I think the problem was caused by the little ram i have on this pc, only 3GB)
  6. When i started the game it was 600mb and it was constantly increasing while it was loading. At the main menu it was around 2.2GB and when i loaded a profile it was moving at around 2.2GB and 2.5GB. Also i should point out that i lowered the graphic settings a lot yesterday, but no effect
  7. Hi guys. I have this problem for quite some time now. KSP crashes like every 5-30 min, specially when i enter vehicle assembly, launch vehicle or anything that actually includes loading something. I have interstellar, kethane and the engineer. Any clues why is this happening? I searched around the internet, but everything i tried has failed. Heeeelp
  8. My game is crashing after the loading screen, after I installed the mod and I really wanna try it out... This happening to anyone else?
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