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Everything posted by paul23

  1. Well I just noticed two distinct dots in my flight against the kerbol background. At first I thought it was the Mun & minmus, or maybe eve & moho. But closer inspection showed that the mun & minmus are "behind" me right now. And Moho & Eve are on the opposite of Kerbol Eve/Moho position: https://imgur.com/IA5hDns So what am I looking at?
  2. The reason they don't have a thermal range is because they're not designed for any purpose where heating is even relevant. Aerodynamic pressure is much earlier a problem than heat. Quit frankly: if aerodynamic pressure wouldn't make it useless, the heat problem would be easily tackled. (not much difficult than static parts).
  3. When I am flying a vessel initially the camera (in tracking view) follows the vessel. I can change focus to another body by double clicking that body. However I can't seem to be able to return to the default view "follow active vessel"?
  4. Well I've installed quite a few mods (including community tech tree etc), so it might be that items are missing. But there seem to be a lot of empty nodes in my tech tree, nodes which have no items inside them, and all "nodes after it" are empty too; or it isn't a requirement for any future nodes. An example: What is causing those ghost notes? Is there a problem with my installation that items are not loading?
  5. For these things I typically use "hovercraft", I just make the lander agile enough (local twr > 2, a lot of attitude wheels) and give a huge surplus of delta-V, so that I can "hover" around for a minute or so.
  6. Actually you do not wish to go fully retrograde, you wish to create slight amount of lift so that you're not in a ballistic trajectory but rather a more smooth trajectory. (And hence more distance through atmosphere). Typically it means that you try to push the front of the thing you're flying 'up'. (so the top further down). Also if you design decent you'll be able to land hands free easily. As always aerodynamic forces will put the aerodynamic center (center of lift) "behind" the center of gravity with respect to the direction of flight. So if you check the last stage (landing stage) make sure the aerodynamic center is *above* the center of gravity, then you'll fall down retrograde without doing anything. (This is opposed to going up, there you wish to have the center of lift below the center of gravity). You can easily see those by using the buttons in the lower left (just bottom right of the part selection), select "center of lift" and "center of gravity". Gravity is a big yellow thing, lift a small blue thing sphere. (if you don't notice lift, it might be because it's fully encapsulated by the cog).
  7. Again: I don't think they actually do this. It's forbidden by law. What are you all talking about, does unity provide per-region different games?
  8. Anything that makes the game even more unrealistic by adding lack of life support or terrible aerodynamics is for me a blocker.
  9. There's no search button on the kspedia: I seem to be unable to find any entry regarding said items :/. I might then write a patch giving the beer/boombox a small boost to habitation multiplier for usi life support.
  10. You need to press "refresh" so it updates the repository. For me eve lists as "working on 1.8" ( https://imgur.com/CjdUDUR ). - Though remember ckan only lists it if the authority (mod creator) has manually specified it is working.
  11. Well a mod manager like ckan is made to "solve" the problem you raise with this topic: that you can quickly see which mod has and has not been updated; So see this topic as a reason for yourself to "invest" into using ckan.
  12. Is there any way (in game or out of game) to know which items are useful for what purpose? I see several eva items which I feel really strange about: when to use the automatic screw driver; when to use the wrench.. Or more exotic: I see a beer and a boombox as kis items.. What do those do?
  13. Ckan is listing them if you need an overview.
  14. Well considering rotation in ksp is not influenced by external factors, it would be "easy" to get the angle of attack etc even through time wrap (angle = rotation_velocity * t + rotation_at_t=0). Is there any mod that extends ksp and enables this?
  15. Yes those two "labs" are basically "not meant for reentry". Sure you can but thematically they are meant to do science, send science using antenna or a recovery vehicle, stay in orbit.
  16. Well I use remotetech/nerfed all ranges to the ground since I am not interested in "hey lets have it easy like stock is, and just use omnidirectional antenna's cause you can just stack them". Question isn't so much about what is the best antenna, but how to get visibility from "high kerbin orbit", and the minimum necessary satellites.
  17. What I mean with "doesn't scale" is that the calculation isn't closed form. So you need to numerically approach it, which means that the more you satellites you have the more calculations need to be done (instead of just a simple single calculation). Furthermore you cannot just "time skip", you need to simulate everything in between, which means it can't work with fast forward, or well, fast forwarding is then similar to physics time warp. (inaccurate and can't be put really high numbers lest you lose even the little accuracy). The result of where a craft is might then even depend on how much you fast forward.
  18. Well that wouldn't solve the problem at all: since my current network doesn't extend that far. So then I'd have to have a satellite tracking that Mun trojan.
  19. I have a commnet system active that works "up to" 3 Mega meter semi major axis. Now I wonder: can I add a single dish to this constellation to have a non intermittent communication with the mun? Or what is the minimum amount of satelites I need to do this? I first tried to think of a polar orbit, however since the Mun is rotating, Kerbin will occlude half the orbit half the Munar cycle. So then i thought "how do I do this in my education", and the answer is "Use J2" pertubation, which obviously is absent. So what is the better solution for ksp?
  20. .... Installing is not the problem (though the solution of tricking ckan is by far the worst solution, using command line I easily installed waypoint manager, and one can also do manually, both are better than the tricking ckan, which is like using a hammer to fasten a screw, or using a flamethrower and burning your house to kill a rodent).
  21. It *cannot* be solved. That's the thing about chaotic movement: you cannot solve it other than numerically; and solving it numerically would mean it doesn't scale. So I'm just afraid the planets are on rails , however we'll still have normal ship movement, even around the barycenter. (Around barycenter the movement would be really chaotic, where a minor change in velocity, or even turning a craft put your craft in a vastly different orbit). The only thing that can be calculated are specific "places", where you can ignore a lot of terms. (IE: far away it looks like a single point mass at the barycenter, or around lagrange L4 and L5 points we can solve the 3 body problem and they result in stable orbits). But those are special cases, not the generic case. The closest thing I found is: https://arxiv.org/ftp/math-ph/papers/0402/0402016.pdf Which seems to solve it for the special case where the two larger bodies have circular orbit.
  22. Analytics are always opt in, what are you talking about? The game is sold to Europe. You cannot send analytics without first asking for explicit permission, and that question has to be a meaningful choice (so it should still work without). I cannot believe they'd not follow a direct law. Of course there are people who commit crimes, but I cannot believe they're like drug lords directly shooting at the law.
  23. Well waypoint manager 2.8.0 is reported to work with 1.8.x and newer: so one cannot/should not install it for ksp 1.7.3. Waypoint manager 2.7.5 (the other version on ckan) works with 1.6.0 - 1.6.99, according to ckan.
  24. Any "goal" I define I have "solved" the moment I think about it. I wish the game to throw things at me where I'm not sure if I can even solve it. And if I don't solve it I need to lose and step back, building up again or maybe even having to start over.
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