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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. The bombers aren't for bombing Kerbals, silly! It's for cleaning used rocket debris from the planet's surface!
  2. So, after flailing about, turns out it's Evolve mucking with Unity. Fortunately, we're able to use Hamachi just fine. Thanks to those who helped. EDIT: Scratch that. Hamachi seems to be more stable, but a crash of the same kind (same/simmilar error report) happened while Evolve was turned off. Quite strange.
  3. Okay, good to know. I'll try doing what I can to muck about in the install to get everything talking to each other. Hopefully we won't have to ditch any mods. Thanks.
  4. The issue is a crash, usually on connect, though if that manages to go smoothly, it happens on craft load in either VAB, SPH, runway, or launchpad. Occurs in both x32 and x64, though only x64 will give an error pop-up, x32 just hangs until Windows kills it. Here's a link with the output log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3qhcu12ytr7zrkq/output_log.txt?dl=0 All mods are installed properly. They are: Toolbar, KSP Interstellar (Experimental build) with Treeloader, Editor Extensions, Environmental Visual Enhancements, Distant Object Enhancer, KWRocketry, Infernal Robotics, Universe Replacer, TweakScale, Tweakable Everything, Spaceplane Plus, Firespitter (plugin only, no parts), Module Manager and the DMP client. I believe they are all up to date. The server is hosted locally on my friend's machine, who has installed the same mods (to ensure this he sent the mods files to me, so we are using identical mods). We are both using 0.24.2. To connect to the server we use Evolve's VPN service, which has been stable so far.
  5. So, I'm playing a heavily modded install and trying to connect to a friend's DMP server. Was working fine up until last night. Here's a copy of the error log: Anyone able to tell me what it means? I've noticed that the location corresponds to "RIP" but I do not know what that is. Much obliged for any help.
  6. Fair enough. I was able to edit the texture myself to remove it, and I only needed it gone from one part, anyway. I'm using KSP screens for an RP, and it would break character, though I can hide it on all but the Death Star envelope. I'd keep it there otherwise, but it clashed with the RP.
  7. I love these mods, but, well, the giant HL symbol on the airship envelopes tends to break my immersion in the game. Are there any alternate textures with just the envelope skin, no label or symbol? I remember there being one well before 0.20, but I can't find it now.
  8. Hm, guess I'll have a go at it myself, then. Now, it'd be nice if we were astronauts in real life, but we're okay with role-playing them on the internet right now. If I succeed, I will bring word, and results.
  9. Hey all, First off, tried searching, couldn't find what I was looking for. Now, I know that there are many mods that change the suit a Kerbal wears, but are there any that replaces the entire Kerbal model? A group of friends and I are using KSP to do stuff for a roleplay, and we'd like to have astronauts that are human, because despite Kerbals being the best, we, sadly, are not them. Thanks in advance.
  10. Loving this mod so far. Minor issue though, I'm trying to upgrade the processor, and whenever I have a Kerbal grab the processor, it is upside-down on the Kerbal's pack. Now at first when I removed the old one I figured this was no big deal. Then I put the new one in, and it stayed in that position. It is henceforth buried inside the processor mount and service bays. Now if I try to remove the new one, the craft encounters a spontaneous disassembly event. The experiment modules move via Kerbal just fine, though. Not sure if it is a problem with the part or a problem with KAS. Here's some pictures, courtesy of my ground-side EVA testbed: http://i1346.photobucket.com/albums/p682/Imperial528/screenshot112_zpsccd76eaa.png~original http://i1346.photobucket.com/albums/p682/Imperial528/screenshot113_zps141d7fcb.png~original
  11. So I'm going to try and learn unity by force of will (and many, many, many mistakes). Now what I'd like to do is create a few planet objects. My first idea was to look at the existing code from the game for those objects and try to figure out how they work by tinkering here and there. Sadly I cannot for the life of me figure out where in the world the file that describes the planets and other celestial bodies would be. I have used the search function to no avail. Any help would be appreciated, and I'll probably be back after this question gets answered with a few dozen more. Thanks. EDIT 21:03 EST: Okay, so I did some searching around the forum and apparently creating planets can get into some very gray and messy legal areas. Fortunately, I don't need to create a planet so much as I just need to make a sphere of influence. So if there is a way to do that without breaching the EULA that'd be nice.
  12. Given that Kerbals are massless when in a pod, the likely answer is that they do not have any mass at all.
  13. Hello, So, I've been constructing station and I seem to have run into an issue: On the two jumbomax tanks you can see radial decouplers hanging off of them. This is a purely aesthetic issue but I was wondering if there is a way to remove them without, er, "kinetic solutions" as those would be rather problematic. I've tried save file editing but it seems to corrupt the quicksave (it won't load) and I have been too lazy to try with the persistence file. Any solutions would be welcome but are not urgent.
  14. I've had this issue as well. The re-mountable connectors work fine in Kerbin orbit but stop working in Munar orbit. I have yet to test if returning to Kerbin orbit fixes the issue or if it still is present. This has happened with two craft all manually launched and placed into Munar orbit.
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