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Everything posted by Zetla

  1. Hi! Do i need to use the API updater on Unity 5 ? or keep the old version of PartTools 0.23 ? Thx
  2. Hello, Come new version of 'GameShare - Craft'. This is the v0.1.2 !! RainDreamer when my plugin go to release, i will see what i can do with Kerbal X
  3. This plugin lets you download and upload vessel! You can share any vessel who is stock-parts. info shared: author, screenshot, name of vessel, number of parts, type (VAB or SPH), date. It check too if you have the last version of GameShare - Craft. The plugin use a web server, so there is no communication between the players ! Coming soon: vessel non-stock, vote, in-game message, type filter Changelog: v0.1.2 *Fix problem on application launcher image *Fix display adjustment *Added edit and delete vessel *Added server test (for best update check) v0.1.1 --> initial release If you see any problem (bug, spelling mistake, other), please send me a message. Thx in advance (English is not my native language) DOWNLOAD: http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods/227852-gameshare-craft-0-1-2-alpha Source in ZIP file. All rights reserved.
  4. The initial plugin was split into two parts. The first and main plugin can be found here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/110758-0-90-GameShare-Craft-0-1-1-ALPHA
  5. ok guy its working! i just add the texture format to the texture2D my code: public static Texture2D screenTry = new Texture2D(320, 180, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false); without texture format: with texture format: thx very much to Philotical, and Sarbian, for give me the good way
  6. ok sorry, i'm french so i don't understand all the things.. when i test with Sarbian code, i have the same issue :s Philotical, can i choose the RAM resolution ?
  7. i have the 2 screeshot: the original screenshot (1280*720): http://s7.postimg.org/v9wp4cqor/screen_Temp.png and the downscale (320*180) as you can see, the downscaled image quality is good, so its just a renderer issue.. EDIT: i think a need to find other way to load a image..
  8. Sarbian, after change my code, my problem is partially solved! now my application launcher button, and my button appear correctly so i have the problem just for my foto it's a plugin for share vessel, so i show informations of the shared vessel, and one screenshot. so, screenshot was downloaded in game, and i think a need to load it, and after, use the 'LoadImageIntoTexture' method...?? (because game don't load when starting, and screenshot are in 'plugindata' folder)
  9. Thx for your reply when a load image into texture, the dimensions of the texture2D take the dimensions of the image exemple: public static Texture2D buttonGM = new Texture2D(1, 1); and imgGM.LoadImageIntoTexture(buttonGM); at the final, the texture2D have the same dimensions of my image (38*38 for the application launcher) (i have tested with the good dimensions and its the same) for other image (button and foto), i just show image (i dont write dimensions of them) exemple: private WWW img = new WWW("file://" + GameManager.root + "/GameData/GameShare/PluginData/screenShots/screenTemp.png"); public static Texture2D screenTry = new Texture2D(320, 180); img.LoadImageIntoTexture(screenTry); and for show: GUILayout.Box(screenTry, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); so image appear with her native dimension Sarbian, thx man, i go to change my code
  10. Hi i'm writting a plugin for share vessels, and my last problem is all my images are blurred. i have the same problem for image, button, application launcher button... here i have tested with a mod logo (mechjeb), and i have the same issue (my plugin use the MJ logo in the right, its the same with all images) here are others images of my mod, blurred too :s Someone have a idea ? Thx edit: private WWW imgGM = new WWW("file://"+root+"Plugins/Textures/gm.png"); public static Texture2D buttonGM = new Texture2D(24, 24); (its the same with other size) and in my awake() method: imgGM.LoadImageIntoTexture(buttonGM);
  11. Hi Chris when i test with 38*38 image, its better, but i think the problem is ths same http://s7.postimg.org/ln53119vv/blurred_image.png as you can see, i have the same problem with all my images
  12. Thx for repply when i use mechjeb, he appear as normal, and run too with other mod the problem appear when i make my own plugin see in the left, mechjeb logo, used by mechjeb, and in the right, my own plugin with the mechjeb logo (for test) i take the same image file, so i don't understand....
  13. Hi i'm writting a plugin, and my biggest problem is all my images are blurred !! I use texture2D, with good resolution. I have the same problem for the main logo, in the application launcher button code: private WWW imgGM = new WWW("file://"+root+"Plugins/Textures/gm.png"); public static Texture2D buttonGM = newTexture2D(24,24); (its the same with other size) and in my awake() method: imgGM.LoadImageIntoTexture(buttonGM); hum test with a existing logo(mechjeb2), with texture2d 24*24, and he is blurred too if someone can help me ?? thx
  14. yes generate group its a good thing! and hide group on right click is a great fonction of your plugin i hope you can do this again in your next version
  15. I think the same ! And hide group on right click is awesome fonction of your plugin I hope you can do this in your next version
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