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Everything posted by fairtonybeta

  1. personaly, i dont use IO because the only point of IO is to see how something will operate in space, without having to go through the polava of getting it into orbit in the first place. but as the only IO mod at the moment makes all the connections realy funky, it isnt great for testing. personaly, i would much prefer a instant mun orbit mod. how many people have wondered if their rocket theyve built has enough fuel to get to the surface, and wether it has enough fuel to get it back again. because of the radical different gravity, it impossible to do such tests on kerbin. and this problem is something i cant see persistance solving.
  2. as with this post, i was just the first to post anything, and i was trying to be funny/edgy. i wasnt, i will now cross out. (if i can figure out how to do that) UPDATE: i figured it out
  3. i wernt having a go at him, i was having a go at all the facebook 'indie' kids who ruin perfectly good pics with overused macros that they apply to pics for the luls. as a person who spends alot of time with cameras, i get annoyed at those who think they can get just as good a pic with their phone and a free app, compared to me who goes out at the crack of dawn, with a 60 year old camera, with film that is super rare to get hold of, and costs a small fortune to get developed. rant over. but yeah, the mod looks decent.
  4. im glad to see that they were 'literal' screen shots. i thought that you had taken printscreens, and then added some hippie indie photo effect. those effects really annoy me. if you like the effect, get ACTUAL vintage cameras, and take candid shots, with mates, having a laugh. dont go out, and shoot everything, with a normal camera, in a normal way, and then add an artificial effect. it looks fake, and its been done to death.
  5. what is the escape tower looking thing used for in real life (you know what i mean). was it used as a deorbit thing then too?
  6. its a nice capsule, the rcs is a little unresponsive, but thats probs because it is placed at the center of gravity, and very narrow. it will likely function more realisticly, when there is an orbiting module with it also. also, i did some ROUGH testing, and if you save the escape tower till deorbit, it will alone deorbit you from any altitude up to arround 300km, its a good little tool
  7. Where is it, where is it hosted? Where can I get the files!!!!
  8. Id personally move away from the foil. It looks a little weird with the textures surface being perfectly flat. And also, from my experience, real spacecraft, tend to reared ever have any foil now. The new landers are forecasted to mainly just be exposed tanks or flush side panels. Make it pretty.
  9. ~~~~~>-<o Me being blown away by thu\'um
  10. Skyrim is crazy addictive. I play it way way to much. You try and do a quest, before bed, and end up spending 3 hours getting to the place. Because on the way, you find a cave, and kill everyone. Then you need to sell the stuff you took, and by the time you get to the quest, your to tired, and go bed. That\'s why ive played it for 30 hours, and only done 3 of the story quests. I\'ve only just met the greybeards. THERE IS SO MUCH TO STEAL!!!
  11. Having to do transfer orbits would be awful. But it\'s nice to know how to. I was hoping that harvesteR was gonna implement a nice GUI to do it with. It\'ll help the non-diehards do it.
  12. Where did you find that N1 mod. I had it at some point. But I can\'t find it now. It was a great mod. Do you still have it?
  13. looks great, you have my congrats at being awesome.
  14. as prevousely mentioned, yes it does work, but it does make all the connections to all your components a bit messed up. with me, it either makes them squidge together, or float apart slightly, with a gap inbetween.
  15. every time i read the title, i read ' HSTW Landing Bacon, Amphib.....'
  16. i now realise that it is perfectly reasonable to assume that a reentry module can be very safe even with it opening up. i think the gemini idea of melting it together is a fantastic idea. no chance of a breach that way. i imagine that its gotta be pretty hard to keep the shuttle, and all its holes completely sealed. its quite remarkable that the space shuttle had a massive cargo bay that was able to be opened up, and not melted together during reentry, and still work safely. remarkable.
  17. seemed like a big risk factor, having a hatch through the heatshield. I cant think of any spacecraft that have hatches on the main heatshield. Even the shuttle had a hidden hatch.
  18. sure, if you fail, youll learn not to try to ever be creative ever again.
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