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Everything posted by RaimondLuxuryYacht

  1. I've been lurking around in this thread for inspiration but now i feel it's my turn to show some of my creations ! I present you the Eagle Mk5 and the Vulture Mk4 Dropships : The engines pivot to change between VTOL and horizontal flight configurations , the Vulture also features 4 passanger seats and a cargo bay with moving platform that can carry a buggy or a couple bikes ( yet to be designed ) and a winch to move cargo around . I used IR for both the VTOL engines and the cargo bay platform . They both are well balanced and have enough fuel to reach a 100kmx100km orbit with some fuel left for orbital maneuvres and reentry , sorry if i didn't include picture of them flying but i already tested them and i was to lazy to do a whole fly with both again !
  2. Good point , in real wars it's not rare to see some old designs still being used in fights and even more modern ways to defend equipment and men are often failing to do so because of the shear power modern weapons have ( that's also why active defence syst are prefferred ) . I meant AMAP instead of AMAS , wrong letter sorry XD , if you don't know what it is it's a modular composite armor designed to being able to be added "on the fly" to counter specific treats . EDIT : for on the fly i mean from mission to mission , don't think that it could be added between engagements , it still need time to be welded or mounted on the vehicle
  3. Actually WW2 Rolled Homogeneous Armor may be literally tear apart from big caliber HE shells and bombs but modern composite armor like Chobam or AMAS is quiet resilient to explosions due to how well it can recieve and spread kinetic force and stress . Back IT : something i would like to see if you implement armor is different shells for cannons , at least an AP and HE differentation to deal with tanks and lightly armored vehicles or imfantry with the right type of shell . Then if you want you could even add APCR , APFSDS , HEAT and various types of bullets for gatlings and .50 like incendiary , fragmentation , tracer and so on .
  4. I'm really liking this mode but i find vehicles being annihilated a bit too much even stacking layers of stock steel platforms as armor . So how about implementing some sort of armor ? How about coding a plugin for a property that you can add to make parts sturdier but increses weight and price of the part ? Or even armored parts to make tanks and APC should do it .
  5. You have to enable them with the manager ( next weapon ) after you have set team and all the stuff , not manually otherwise it won't work . If the turret activate but doesn't respond to your commands ( try moing the cursor ) then it means it's activated in guard mode and should work . I have some feedback for the author , in my opinion the explosion force of cannon shells and rockets/bombs ( not the damage only the force ) is too much high , i mean a 120mm HE shell ( i suppose ) sent a 20t tank flying for hundreds of meters up in the air ... that seems a bit too excessive to me .
  6. Can i ask what you mean for mouse control in the red laser section ? It adds the ability to more precisely manage an airplanes yaw, pitch and roll factors either by keyboard or mouse input .You mean something like where i point the mouse/laser the plane nose will follow ?
  7. I wanted mouse control for a long time , i dream come true with your mod ! The only thing is that it's almost impossible to control the aircarft and shoot with BDArmory weapons at the same time ( machineguns and gatlings are bound to left click ) but oh well i can live with that . My true dream however would be a War Thunder-like mouse control , basically the plane maneuvres to follow the cursor , but that would be much more complicated i think since it would require a mouse controlled camera too ...
  8. 2 .50 cals per gun emplacement , since they don't have arc of fire issues and they still have enough firpower to shoot anything ( if i stick around them for too long no matter how well i evade some shots are gonna get in and in a plane a shot is more than enough to make it unflyable ) out of the sky . Vulcans and GAUs are more for APCs and ground attack planes .
  9. I did try flying through some AA gun emplacements i built around KSC but i didn't found them being so powerful and cheesy to require super explosions that could send them flying for thousands of meters in the air , they are pretty accurate but you can still easely juke them by doing evasive maneuvres and such . What i wanted to say is that i'm ok with the damage a missile/tank shell could do ( maybe a bit more ) , the force of the explosion on the other hand is too much powerful ! I mean , do you know what kind of explosion is needed to make a 20t tank fly ?! BTW i checked the configs and there's not an option to tweak these things , those are hardcoded and can only be modified by the author of the mod for now . I hope we could see a much more tweakable config file in the future !
  10. Did anyone other than me found that BD Armory explosions are too much strong ? I mean , i shot a 20t ( 20 f***ing tons !!!! ) tank with a 120mm ( not that big of a gun ) and the explosion sent it flying hundreds of meters in the sky ... O.o and the rockets are even more powerful ! I think that the author should tweak the force wich the object experience form explosions U.U IMHO
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