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Everything posted by drake000666

  1. How is it possible, your talking about holding a 300km cable in a geostationary orbit around the moon as the moons and earths gravity acts on it and what do you think will happen when this cable moves true the earths magnetic field and how to you think you can get a 300km cable in place to begin with
  2. They could not even build something like this with today's tech let alone build it for this cheap. I would say 100 billion on the low end and more then likely 500 billion when done , just think how expensive it is to build a bridge on earth let alone what it would cost for every mile of this cable would cast after construction costs.
  3. Wing it for small stations but for something like the ISS I made sure everything would fit and I would not miss anything.
  4. Great MOD keep up the work, love the historical missions the most, some I would like to see added would be some Mun missions that you need to do with 3 kerbins and a rover or say a year long Duna mission that you need 5+ kerbins and rover, stuff like that would be cool
  5. I have played some of it and having a great time, no big problems yet http://i.imgur.com/YOHh3eL.png Some of the MODS I have installed http://i.imgur.com/EtqU34H.png
  6. I have played some of it and having a great time, no big problems yet http://i.imgur.com/YOHh3eL.png Some of the MODS I have installed http://i.imgur.com/EtqU34H.png
  7. What do you think the world would be like today if Mars was really green and alive like many people think it was like early in its history? -Some of the things that hit me would be a colonizing race during the cold war and after the cold war the people their would start their own nation because they would not want earth to rule over them. -Could we eat anything from a planet that evolved differently so would we try and kill all martian life so we could install life we can eat their. -Would a planet like this have driven us to find all kinds of space tech that we do not have today.
  8. A few pics from my career today, using MOD's to make a historic story career. http://imgur.com/a/MsTeX
  9. A few pics from my current career today http://imgur.com/a/MsTeX
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