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Everything posted by SkewLine

  1. I'm playing with MKS/OKS and trying to mine an asteroid with the stock drill, and maybe nine times out of ten the resources from my freshly captured asteroid vanish as soon as I start the Asteroid Harvester. The extractor stops, and the 'Drill-O-Matic' Mining Extractor reads "status: Resources Depleted". This is repeatable on at least two different asteroids. If I revert to the last quick save it happens again and again, but I've actually seen the harvester work correctly three times. My ship has water (form MKS/OKS), xenon, and ore tanks. The ore tanks (250 units each) fill in that instant, the other tanks get nothing. The Community Resource Pack is adding the extra resources to the asteroid, but the drill is stock. I though it might be a bug in either MKS or Stock, but that would affect everyone trying to mine an asteroid and lots of people would have noticed. I also though it might be accumulation of cruft in my installation, but I re-installed KSP and re-downloaded all my mods from CKAN and it persists. Has anyone ever seen this?
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