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Everything posted by Veelay

  1. I've been having a bit of an issue. When I use the script editor, commands still get through to my ship, making it near impossible to use. Does anyone know the cause of this? EDIT: Nevermind, it was deselecting the main KOS window when I brought it up. But I'm having another issue where there is only one line in the editor, and the enter button does not add a new line.
  2. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like those configs are for the pod only, rather than the heat shields, and only add FAR support. I don't see anything to do with DRE. Unless you are referring to configs not included in the download?
  3. In that particular case, it would probably be up to the author of Planet Shine to add some sort of support for the planets in the planet packs you're using.
  4. Wow, this thread is exactly what I was looking for! Thanks so much! (Also I am continually surprised by the number of other furries on this forum )
  5. This 3.3 seems to be incompatible with FF as well, but this time it's because it seems to be trying to register two instances of Dolas in its dictionary of bodies. Are there supposed to be two copies of StarSystems.dll in the download? If so, this may just be a case where two mods simply don't get along.
  6. Ok, I think I found it! Apparently Final Frontier is making a fuss about Kerbol being turned into a black hole. It's throwing errors when it tries to find the sun. Works fine when I removed it. EDIT: Oops, may have jumped the gun. Removing Final Frontier let me load a game, but I'm still getting null references when I try to change scenes within the space center. Trying on a fresh save shortly. EDIT EDIT: Ah, nevermind, it's definitely Final Frontier. I put it in my clean save and reproduced the error. I don't know why I didn't do that in the first place Which means I either broke my save, or there's another incompatibility. Probably the former.
  7. So I've run into a bit of a problem. StarSystems seems to be breaking the game menu a bit. The 'resume saved' button does nothing when I click it. Probably a mod incompatibility, but I'll try it out on a clean install just to be sure. I'll post my player.log if the problem persists. EDIT: Definitely a mod incompatibility. My first thought would be RSS, which I have as part of the KSP Renaissance Compilation, but it could be anything. I'll do some testing with a few things I'm suspecting. On the bright side, planet-moving works perfectly. I've got Urania in a cosy little orbit around Dolas~
  8. Cool! So, to move a planet with moons to a different star, would I just nest Planet nodes?
  9. This is honeslty probably one of the sexiest parts packs out there. Actually, scratch that, it's probably THE sexiest. Really awesome work! Is there some documentation somewhere describing the intended use of the various ships?
  10. Awesome! I'll mess around with it some as soon as it's up. Talk about taking KSP to the next level. Be sure not to overwork yourself!
  11. I'm super hyped about this. There wouldn't happen to be any compatible planet packs at the moment, would there? I seem to remember at some point there was a list of mods that would add their planets around stars orbiting the black hole. That may have been a different iteration of this mod though (or a different mod, I don't remember...). If not, I may just look into making some myself. Can anyone tell me how I'd go about doing that?
  12. The 32-bit version of the assets file never worked for me, I always just stuck the 64-bit version of the file in the ksp_data folder. They both cause crashing for me in 0.25...
  13. It does, but the file isn't in the main download. It's a separate download in the OP that gives you the alternative sun tex and flare. Currently seems to crash 0.25.
  14. Using the original Squad sharedassets10.assets file rather than either of the provided ones solved the crash issue for me.
  15. I'm getting an initialization error on KSP 0.24, RPM 0.18.2. I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 x64, and I'm using KSP x64 as well. Player.log file: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/11942025/Player.log I'm using the latest ModuleManager, MechJeb, and SCANsat. Unrelated to the issue, I'd like to say how much I love this mod. I used it on Windows before, and it's quite simply one of the coolest plugins available for the game. Makes me feel like a real Kerbonaut! I'd love to get this working on Linux, so please let me know if there's anything more I can provide.+ Reply to Thread EDIT: Seems to be a problem with ASET, double checking that everything is installed properly. In any case, thanks for your continued development of this excellent plugin!
  16. I love the idea of this mod and you've done a wonderful job with it! I was wondering, is there a way to get the mod to recognise wheels from other mods? I'm using some wheels from Modular Multiwheels, and they don't seem to count as rover wheels.
  17. I've launched vessels from EL orbital workshops and it doesn't seem to detect as a new ship.
  18. If this is made to be compatible with MKS, I might actually die. This looks so cool.
  19. This is the exact problem I'm having. Later on in the thread, you said it may be a GUI problem, possibly TAC. Do you know for sure yet if this is the case?
  20. I'm having this problem as well, using Modular Multiwheels on mine. It registers that I'm entering the area, and that it's "collecting anomalous data" or something along those lines, but it never checks off any of the sites I drive near. I'm currently using x64 Linux.
  21. Alas, I'm on a laptop, and my little HD 4000 beats out every low-end dedicated mobile card on the market already. My drivers are already up to date, which is disappointing, since this thing has handled every modern game I've thrown at it so far with shockingly good results. My FPS on the linux version is absolute garbage as well, due to hardware incompatibility it seems, so I'm kind of out of options I suppose.
  22. I'm running an integrated Intel chip (HD 4000), and OpenGL refuses to load on my machine. It doesn't crash, it just goes unresponsive indefinitely. It also tries to run in fullscreen for some reason. I've heard that there are some issues with Intel chips running OpenGL, does anyone know if there's a workaround for this, or is it simply not supported at all?
  23. Ok, thanks! I think I'll have some sort of orbital cargo ship to go between Minmus and Kerbin, since I also want to deliver Rocket Parts manufactured at the same site. The base is built with MKS, so I may use the logistics modules (assuming you mean the inflatable storage modules, right?). I also try and use USI's Freight Transportation mod, although I think part of the problem is that honestly I'm really bad at building efficient things like that. Takes a lot of trial and error! Maybe I'll look for some advanced tutorials on YouTube. I've got the whole TWR and Delta-V thing down, but clearly I'm missing something, hehe.
  24. Ah, sorry, I guess I should clarify that I'm just looking for a way to resupply my Kerbin orbital construction station without having to make several expensive launches from the KSC every time I want to put something together in orbit. By delta-v profit, I simply mean getting (significantly) more fuel than I use to transport it.
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