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  1. Am using latest version on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and cannot install any packages, just get a "java.io.IOException: Directory '<filepath>' could not be created". I am very new to Ubuntu, so very likely something I'm doing wrong or missed somewhere! Help appreciated.
  2. Yes, 64-bit KSP, 32-bit won't run without dying through lack of mem. (Yes, am running texture reducer and have done all the usual memory reduction settings). Module Manager 2.5.9 installed by CKAN. Have tried the ConfigCache delete trick, saw that in another post. Have also tried downloading from this thread and installing that, still no joy. I believe that CKAN installs the Realism Overhaul config as part of, I certainly see engines requiring Kerosene etc.... Edit 2: Right, have just done a full, clean install of KSP and RF (& Module Manager) Only, with Stock configs, and it is 64 bit that is the problem, works fine in 32 bit. Real shame as it means I can't us this mod as my 32 bit won't run with everything else I want to support!
  3. Hi All, Have installed RF via CKAN on a clean install and get no options in the VAB to change fuels. Utilisation shows -1, there is no Volume or Mass data shown and clicking on Tank or Engine GUIs just depresses the button and nothing else happens. I believe something's not installed properly (I also get a hang on ProceduralSRBRealFuels when I load with that), but cannot, after about 4 hours of trawling through, figure out what it is. Any guidance and pointers would be greatly appreciated! Running on Win7 x64, absolutely clean install.
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