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Everything posted by NAD5

  1. I think I might know why this is happening, did you disable or complete the contracts where the craft were originally not spawning? To do this use the alt+f12 menu, go to contracts and click the active tab, from here press complete on all of the missions where the craft aren't spawning. The reason this needs to be done is because contract configurator will not spawn the new craft until you accept the mission again, as it has already spawned the old craft, or in your case no craft. If this still doesn't work check out the alt+f10 menu to see if any failures are occurring, a quick reference can be found here: https://github.com/jrossignol/ContractConfigurator/wiki/How-To#testing-a-contract Additionally you can make sure your contract directory is correct, for instance the first mission will try to spawn a craft from this directory: craftURL = ContractPacks/KAF/ships/MIG 15G.craft Where ContractPacks is inside the GameData folder The primary cause of craft not spawning is an incorrectly named craft file or a craft file placed in an incorrect location. Hopefully this helps!
  2. Yeah those are basically the mods I'm running as well, very odd that the craft aren't working on your end. I've updated KAF so all the craft have an antenna, I'm pretty sure the probe cores have a built in antenna, but for backup I've put some basic antennas on the front of the craft. Unfortunately there is not much else I can think of that would resolve this issue, hopefully this works though!
  3. Awesome, that will certainly help if I ever need to make something face a specific direction
  4. I don't believe you can make the craft face a certain direction currently, but the pitch parameter works perfectly. I have managed to make the ground units spawn correctly, the new update features 1 eliminate SAM site mission and the return of the eliminate FOB mission, I noticed the SAM launcher faced some issues when I mucked with the team and guard mode, however in it's spawned state it works fine.
  5. Apologies, I meant alt + f10, if nothing still pops up try reinstalling contract configurator Hmm, that would make sense with the Loud and Clear update, as the craft require a probe core to function. I haven't had any problems with the CoM and CoL, there are decent gaps between them but they handled fine in my flight tests and autopilot fights. I would put my money on the antenna being the problem, I haven't experienced any issues yet, but I'll try to see what I can do to fix this up next time I get a chance, hopefully later today. Out of curiosity what mods are you using? I've tested the crafts and contracts on a stock and heavily modified version of KSP without issue, but I wouldn't rule out a mod conflict of some sort either.
  6. How odd, what exactly did you do to fix them in the SPH and what issues still persist? I'll see what I can do to get that sorted out
  7. Due to the way Contract Configurator and KSP handle aircraft spawning there is actually a decoupler 2km below the plane, when the plane spawns the decoupler ejects or is destroyed, no matter how high the aircraft is placed it will be teleported to the ground when it spawns, hence the decoupler. From here the aircraft will fall until they gain enough thrust to fly, so for the first 10-20 seconds of spawning they will be in an easy to kill falling state. Are the planes falling straight to the ground for you? If so are you running anything that would change flight characteristics such as FAR? I have had some issues with planes engines not igniting, however all of them have been switched to already ignited in the craft files.
  8. Hmm, that is very weird, try pressing f10 to bring up the contract debug bar. Does KAF appear there? If so is it red or yellow? If it is red or yellow there should be some kind of failure log at the bottom. Let me know if you find anything and I'll see what I can do to fix it.
  9. Thanks for the advice, I have updated the mod to contain the gamedata location. As for the FOB mission I was having problems getting turrets to spawn correctly, my SAM would spawn sideways no matter what I did, the other turrets had no issues however. I'll look into what Volwen did for his KoF pack to make enemies spawn correctly to hopefully fix this issue. For the meantime I have replaced that mission with 4 enemy aircraft to destroy. [EDIT] I should be able to use the pitch parameter to stop ground units from spawning sideways, I'll try to fix that up the next time I've got access to my home computer Thanks Dark_Derp, are the aircraft actually spawning? If they are I am unsure of why there locations do not show, as they have been showing for the time I've been testing it. If they are not spawning at all then the mod is incorrectly installed, likely the pathing to the ship directory is incorrect (I had this problem occur a lot when I was in the beginning stages of creating this pack) make sure there are ships installed in the following filepath: GameData/ContractPacks/KAF/ships This could likely be caused by what dcompart mentioned above with the file pathing if you used CKAN, unfortunately I've always manually installed my mods so I have on experience with this tool. Alternatively you can try the updated download on spaceport with correct file pathing and let me know if there are any more problems.
  10. Requires contract configurator: https://github.com/jrossignol/ContractConfigurator/releases/tag/1.26.0 and BD armory: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/releases IF THE AIRCRAFT DON'T FLY: Go into advanced difficulty options, disable require signal for control. This can also be found in the cheat menu. May not be necessary, only happens to a few people. KAF is a small contract pack featuring various intercepting and dog-fighting missions, pitting your user made aircraft and air defense systems up against a variety of Russian aircraft. Enemies include: MIG 15, MIG 21, MIG 25P, MIG 25BM (SEAD), SU 25, SU 25T and the SU 27 Each successful mission will net you a small amount of science, reputation and funds. It is recommended that you extend your phys distance to make the most of this mod. Download: http://spacedock.info/mod/1060/Contract Pack: Kerbin Air Force [KAF] I plan to slowly add more missions and aircraft. Please leave any feedback, suggestions or requests in the comments! Many thanks to TheKurgan for testing and fixing this mod
  11. No problem, you can use the pics
  12. C'mon guys, he made it pretty clear that he can't post any screenshots. Here are a few pics: As for the mod itself, the decoy is a freefall white hellfire that does exactly what it is described to do. Although the decoy uses no propulsion so you have to launch it well before you fire any missiles, adding an element of complexity to using the decoy. Might I suggest a powered decoy that costs more, but flies like an actual missile with some form of propulsion.
  13. FASA only messes with your contracts, I assume it has something to do with the FASA added agents, I'm just gonna install all the mods I originally had but remove the agents and see if it works. [EDIT] I can confirm that this mod will work with mods that have custom agencies if you just remove the agencies introduced by other agencies
  14. I can confirm having FASA stops the contracts from appearing/working
  15. Yeah I've given that a go many times, unfortunately I've never seen any pop up. However I have had a generic rescue mission pop up from the KKombat agent, but no custom missions. Do you know if there is a way to make only the combat missions appear? [EDIT] I made a clean install with only the required mods and it works fine, it was probably a mod conflict of some kind, I'll try to identify what caused the conflict later
  16. Hi, I would really like to play this mod but I can't seem to get it to work. I get the "A basic plane" contract, which completes when you make a basic plane, however the actual contract itself shows a random chartered tour contract. After completing the contract no more contracts appear from the KKombat agent (I've tried to other contracts and waited many in-game days) I've tried reinstalling this mod multiple times with no success (I also do not use any other contract mods) I can't seem to find any specific install notes so my assumption is that it just doesn't want to work with my ksp install (which is up to date and has the mod requirements) Anyone else having these problems?
  17. Thanks! For the F-14 I had to use two hinges for each wing, one directly connected to the wing and another connected via struts placed slightly below it, though it took a few attempts to get working. The struts are only attached to the wing and the moving part of the hinge.
  18. Yeh the flaps on the B-52 are a bit odd, I find I have to press raise flaps multiple times for it to actually work
  19. So I begun fixing the craft, starting with the SU-27, luckily it was surprisingly easy once I got used to the new PWings, all updated craft can be found in the 0.34 folder as I add them there The process simply involves running two versions KSP at once, each one with a different version of PWings, I then make the wings again but with the assistance of the wing data from 0.13 [update] The B-52 has been updated and can also be found in the 0.34 folder
  20. Ahh, I've come across this glitch once, it happens to me when I crash craft mid flight and the game tries to switch craft then suddenly load, I'll see if I can replicate the glitch, but chances are it is caused by too much being loaded or different versions of B9 Procedural wings, I used the 0.13 release for 0.90 which can be found here https://bitbucket.org/bac9/b9_aerospace_plugins/downloads/B9_Aerospace_PP-013.zip I'm gonna go through and test my craft with the latest release of B9 Procedural wings to see if any errors occur [update] Tested with the updated B9 Procedural Wings and encountered no issues, I would recommend using http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55657-0-90-Kerbal-Joint-Reinforcement-v3-1-1-1-15-15 as it might help, but that is just a guess, as for the F-15 and F-16 I'll probably start work on them as soon as possible [update 2] Turns out I somehow didn't properly update it, the issue is caused by the latest B9 PW update, but can be fixed by using the 0.13 version until I have fixed my craft [update 3] Yup, every aircraft is broken, I am currently creating 2 KSP installs so I can manually copy over all the wing data to the new versions, it will mean a few of the aircraft variations will have to be redone (But that doesn't take long, though some may be slightly different) I was working on a small promo video and an almost complete SU-25 but they will have to wait for me to fix this current issue, though hopefully upgrading to the new version means the indev craft will actually fly without spinning heaps
  21. No problem, just let me know if you want any other aircraft or some tweaks made to the HL-10
  22. Thanks for the feedback everyone! Thanks, I do plan on adding an M-4 or M-50, so I'll probably start working on them soon I couldn't resist creating the HL-10, it looks hilarious, I added an attachable version and and a standalone version, but I am yet to test the attachable one. I made the craft as accurate as possible so it uses a closed cycle engine, but if you just add some intakes to it you can still fly in air-breathing mode, the craft flies surprisingly well for its size, though it has a tendency to tilt to the side when below 1/2 fuel, but it is easily correctable. I hope you enjoy the using the craft!
  23. I have added the Eurofighter and the J-10A, I will most likely make some aircraft with similar bodies next, so the frogfoot shall wait. I'm also happy to take requests so if you want a specific aircraft with some specific mods just leave a comment!
  24. I have just finished making a MIG 25 The download can be found in the main download page on mediafire MIG 25 There are 3 different versions, each requiring different mods and varying amounts of realism for those who don't want unnecessary mods MIG 25BM II is the most realistic but also requires the most mods MIG 25BM III is like above but with a b9 cockpit MIG 25 is the least realistic but requires the least mods Mods required MIG 25 BM II: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/96766 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80234-0-90-TweakScale-Rescale-Everything!-%28v1-50-2014-12-24-10-40-UTC%29 https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/321/Adjustable%20Landing%20Gear http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92630-0-90-B9-Aerospace-Release-5-2-8-%28updated-30-12-14%29 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/104966-0-90-B9-Aerospace-Procedural-Parts-0-11-Updated-07-01-15 Mods required MIG 25BM III http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80234-0-90-TweakScale-Rescale-Everything!-%28v1-50-2014-12-24-10-40-UTC%29 https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/321/Adjustable%20Landing%20Gear http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92630-0-90-B9-Aerospace-Release-5-2-8-%28updated-30-12-14%29 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/104966-0-90-B9-Aerospace-Procedural-Parts-0-11-Updated-07-01-15 Mods required MIG 25 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92630-0-90-B9-Aerospace-Release-5-2-8-%28updated-30-12-14%29 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/104966-0-90-B9-Aerospace-Procedural-Parts-0-11-Updated-07-01-15 Hopefully the embedding works on this post, if not you can view it in the main gallery, I will try to embed the rest of the pictures at a later date I will also be making more aircraft, I'm thinking of making a SU 25 Frogfoot next
  25. Thanks for the feedback shadowsutekh, and a very big thanks for fixing the main post problem as well!
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