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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I realise this may not be practical, but a way to switch in the debug window between the new and old aerodynamic models could help appease people with big spaceplane fleets while still maintaining a clean break to a better system. I wouldn't expect the option to survive all the way to release, just long enough for people to transition.
  2. Hi, I'm having a problem where the textures on the expanding containers aren't loading. Where can I look to make sure they're there? Many thanks, I love this mod! T
  3. Hiya, I've got a problem where whenever I quit and return to my saves (all of them) all my current contracts disappear! This doesn't appear to happen without FinePrint installed. Any ideas for what I can do about it? I have tried creating a brand new save, accepting a (stock) contract, then quitting and restarting and the contract is gone. Many thanks!
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