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Everything posted by mcrpntr67

  1. Thanks for the link. I created a bug report at https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/22830 If you have time, upvote the bug so maybe it will be looked at and hopefully fixed for the next bug release.
  2. I didn't see anything in the release log or any documentation saying this was changing in 1.7.1 so is this a planned modification of the game or did the Kraken install a bug right before the final compile? How does one find out and issue a bug report if true?
  3. Well, let's see what I can do. Below is a screenshot of a brand new savefile. Mk1 on the launchpad with 3 goo canisters. I have retrieved all of the science. Crew Report, EVA and 3 Goo reports. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KTQ9GZYrJEuCph5N6RmoA-TyR3R90vZ5/view?usp=sharing Check out the R&D lab archives.... What's this?? Werner tells me that I still need more Goo science because I'm .6 science short. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SP0D_ELuRAqJTO71WsaoaC1rXIFWWYps/view?usp=sharing And [x]Science verifies this https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BK1JtuS10C8hcr-DyR34zJoVmRg5SY4U/view?usp=sharing Weirdest thing I ever saw. And I did try this without any mods with the same results. Just added [x]Science to help explain the problem. And I can never get that extra .6 Science to stick. Same issue with the Science Jr.
  4. Long time player but I have never seen this before. Since I've updated to 1.7.1 and Biome I visit, it appears that I can not ever get all of the science from the Mystery Goo or the Science Jr. I use the [X]Science Mod so I know when I have it all, but each time I come back to that same biome, [X]Science reports I need move Goo and Science Jr. Science. I have verified this within the R&D lab, I just can't get the bar the whole way across. I'm hoping this is a bug in the version, but I haven't seen anyone else report it yet? I've reloaded the game with a brand new save file and also reloaded the game without any DLCs and get the same problem. Is there a quick fix or do I have to control my OCD until 1.7.2 comes out? Thanks.
  5. @Fractal_UK, Hopefully a quick question, I would like to return the seismic accelerometer to the normal setting, but can not find current info on doing that. The information on GitHub points to a file that doesn't exist and when I remove the science.cfg file in the Interstellar directory, nothing changes. Is there updated info on doing that? Sorry if this has been posted recently, the thread is too big to read through from the beginning..
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