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Posts posted by jake9039

  1. I used to roblox. one peice of advice. do not play their games. they will scar you, and your computer for life. and, they are all just 6 year olds and roblox addicts(seriously, 200 bucks for some kind of dumb membership?)

    uh oh. I have been sucked in. close it. please.

    I will find a way back through.

    - - - Updated - - -

    there is one thing to thank. my bookmarks tab. I have been saved.

  2. the buyer asks for a test ride, but then you notice their pilot liscence is bad. you call the police, but they don't believe you. st the buyer accidentally flies right into air control, just as a 747 is coming in to land, so you get crushed by debris and then ran over by a 747.

    I am going to ride a motorcycle.

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