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Posts posted by jake9039

  1. I THINK what he meant to talk about was that when you reload database sometimes it flashes the model in front when you load it, then loads the next one, flash, like 5 models per second.

    that is what I was talking about

    Not the first time he writes nonsense. I guess the mods will lock it soon.
    I was just saying "hey, this was funny how it happened. let me tell others about it."
    I think we're unto something here.

    Gentlemen, this could be big.

    yes, I could be figuring out how the game works

  2. I have 2 questions, which really bug me.

    1. all my pods come in facing wrong. It annoys me. everyone else have very good, forward facing parts, but my parts just come over and face the wall with trucks on it like if facing from the opening, my command pod m.k.1 lets the people get out to the left. the bigger 2 meter command pod lets them get out on the right

    2. with correct facing craft, which side is dorsal

  3. I was proud of that trip to the Mun but I later saw a YouTube video of someone making it to the Mun's surface And Back to a soft landing on Kerbin in 59 minutes and 57 seconds. So mine would be a placeholder at best. But it is here:


    Will this thread accept a section on 'Lowest dV expended from LKO to...". I've been slowly collecting a number of those but it's somewhat specialized because of the number of rules in the entries.

    it will be accepted, and it would be apreciated

    While I personally own a few achievements that I believe are records, none of them are as impressive as this one:


    Tsevion launched the world's first (and as of this writing only) ion powered manned stock SSTO without the benefit of infiniglide on Nov 18th, 2014.



    that will work!

    Nice to see this thread growing so fast!

  4. Perhaps some specific challenges for records such as how high you can get the basic three piece Career rocket to go and or how many contracts it can complete. ( Have set three and came up short the fourth altitude record with this one design using tweakables.)


    I was just thinking only records of speed, length, weight, time, cost, size, smallest, biggest, longest flight in atmosphere, longest flight in orbit, longest grand tour, mos science gained, etc...

    could you please include statistics and a craft file?

  5. This is for kerbin records like eva times, velocities, and other stuff.(speed,size,length,rediculessness)

    also,if you think you made a record,post it here!:sticktongue:

    (NOTE: this is made to be sandbox capable, but if you made a record that just MUST be in science or career mode, than I will accept it.)

    heaviest vtol:

    Ahelicarrier by spartwo weighing at 460 tons currently

    Fastest mun flag plant

    I was proud of that trip to the Mun but I later saw a YouTube video of someone making it to the Mun's surface And Back to a soft landing on Kerbin in 59 minutes and 57 seconds. So mine would be a placeholder at best. But it is here:



    est EVA:

    20 years 229 days n counting :lab house

    Fastest In-Atmosphere Flight

    Treldon at 3393 link

    Fastest Boat

    185 m/s with the Jetty v2:treldon

    Heaviest lifter

    Zekes' Cira V

    First successful stock SSTO round trip from KSC to Eve surface and back.

    Nov 2nd 2014 using KrakBadger 2.5 link:slashy

    First manned ion powered stock SSTO

    Aug 15th 2014 link:tsevion

    Land speed record for stock vehicle without rockets or jets,

    787 m/secJul 31st 2014 link:Michael

    Heaviest rover


    longest time in command chair:

    90 years: labhouse

    First tripple ssto



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