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Everything posted by TheFlyingPigs

  1. 10/10 Chugga Chugga Chugga Chugga CHHOOOO CHHHOOOO
  2. Chicken plucking sim 2200 where you pluck chicken feathers with lasers and be a space farmer... ​WHY AM I SO ALONE???
  3. MOAR BOOSTERS ​I'm so cool.
  4. Banned because your location is caps
  5. My favourite is Kerbin because the ground control is there. "KSC to Stuntman Jeb, KSC to Stuntman Jeb, "You left all your snacks and fuzzy dice..."
  6. Bah! I dont need mods. *Shifty Voice Is it compatible with KSP 0.25?
  7. may? May? MAY? June? It is a great idea, i'd watch that.
  8. ... I knew that... I need to walk outside STUPID STUPID STUPID ARRGH I'm back and didn't rage at all, thanks for the help!
  9. That... Looks amazing. Better than what I've ever made. (I'm so noob, I found you can precision turn the parts if you hold shift then turn... *facepalm)
  10. Floor 962: Shoe shopping. If you do that you lose a man card.
  11. Then we say sparkles and magic happens and glitter Glue What if that didn't work...
  12. Banned because I don't know what red iron is, so it doesn't exist. #ARROGANT
  13. I would be playing it for hours, if the game didn't glitch on patcher. I opened up the game, started a career, and in my face was two parts of everything. The different cupolas, SAS, everything was screwed. I might download it from the website nextime
  14. What humbles me is when you land an asteroid, and you put your kerbal next to him. He looks so small, and then you think the comparison to real life, then asteroids to planets, then planets to suns. Then I think about atoms and protons and neutrons and I think to myself 'Huh, I really am made of star-stuff'
  15. Mmmm Time Wrap.... *drools down shirt Well, that's nothing new to me. That's why it took so long for me to do Mun and back. It occurs naturally if you have a laggy computer(like mine!)
  16. "That was beautiful" *tear runs down cheek *salutes "FOR KERBALKIND"
  17. When you get an account on the KSP forums and you go onto a Thread called "You know you play too much KSP when..." Thread, and you say why you play too much KSP and realise... You play too much Portal:D
  18. The leader is the head of the chicken farm down in Texas, but because of the communications were shut, he couldn't see his precious Percy the Chicken, and he thought Liam might have connection.
  19. Why sir, that where the valet boys parked your car! Waiter, there's a forum game in my soup
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