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Everything posted by TheFlyingPigs

  1. Plane Names: Phoenix, X-Wing, Scatterblast, Big Bird, Mini-plane, Small Bird, That's a Bomber, Sky Fly Rocket Names: Atmos, Avalon, Blast Off, Pryo, Whee!, Ohh God, Mun Impactor, Mun Lander, Mun Rescue Craft, Interstellar My best series is the Interstellar, which for the individual rockets, I give them galaxies.Example, Interstellar Andromeda. Or I name them, Interstellar Jool or something
  2. I made an iron jeb, check my channel, and it has working nukes
  3. It's not just 50 pages, it's 50 HYPEpages Patent-Pending of raw 0.25 HYPE
  4. Hmm, I don't like how it mentions Gravity as a marketing ploy. It's not a good thing to say 'Come to space and die like everyone did in Gravity:wink:' It's not healthy, m'kay
  5. Banned for being online when I banned you
  6. Using a username of a good tv series *gasp* CHEATER!
  7. Guys, If we all put our HypeCash in together, we can colonise 0.25 with the power of hype, Look at my earlier post on page 48
  8. I'm sorry GregroxMun but the HypeTrain is fundamentally flawed. In all the pics I've seen on this thread, not one is on actual rails. It can't go to space as the Hype Train would need rails to ride. The Hype Bus is cute, but never going to happen (Sorry!Not really) and the HypePlane is the better as it actually gets of the ground. The only thing that fills all the criteria is the HypeShuttle, except it can't hold as many as all three. What I suggest is the HypeMothership, assembled in orbit by HypeDrones, HypeDocked together, with InfiHype Passenger seating for max hype. In the front you have the HypeGlass front for you too see the InfiniteHype, circling the Ship with awesome colours. The Middle contains the HypeDrive, powered not only by the Passengers, but interlinked with the Patent-Pending Forum Link for 100% HypeDrain To power all the Hype. The back contains the Patent-Pending HypeThrusters to get us at InfiHype Speed. Now, along the sides are huge cargo bays to hold HypeTrains(HypeRails), HypePlanes, HypeBuses, HypeShuttles, HypeFood, HypeBases so we can Kolonise 0.25. I would certainly make this a reality, if I wasn't 9000km from my computer! Someone make this and say it was my idea. THE HYPE WILL NEVER STOP
  9. Me and three friends were in the library, thinking of a name for our YouTube, and I randomly blurted out THE FLYING PIGS They looked at me strange and yelled OKAY!
  10. Now I have something to do when I get home New series of Kerbal Space coming thanks to you! WHOO! Btw thanks for all the hard work for the real life crafts. I will certainly mention you and your thread in the vids
  11. I would love to join, here is my steam account *cough cough* Sorry I *cough* don't have one. I got mine off the website D:
  12. Did we need to see that? I don't feel so well... BLUURGH
  13. How about... KSP MODSYAY! I'm ashamed of you guys for not really thinking the Kerbal way...
  14. I don't think anyone could have said any better than that. Well done. The arguments should stop there.
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