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Everything posted by HelmutK

  1. the difference between 2 and 4 engine is not as big as you think. 4 engine + more fuel = more weight + more drag And to control a bigger plane is more difficult.
  2. The radiators not my monitor... I tryed it, but they give a lot more drag and don't cool the shell
  3. THX. This craft is very stable at highspeed. I can hold the speed every time over 1720 at 22300m (remember no mods). Heat is not a problem. Average speed at begin cruising is 1721 and goes up to 1724 at reaching the crater. @nicky4096 They doesn't work
  4. update: Same flight new quickload near the mountains. That was my target for this flight. No more speed landings at the dark
  5. My new result: Halfway picture To land in the dark on time is cruel . I'm sure that could be even better. I'll try it tomorrow.
  6. Sorry, that was a testflight. There was no halfway picture, but counts this picture over the waste?
  7. Concratulations to your results @all. But i'm back and i'm standing on the runway:wink: I do'nt know what happened with the parachutes. They've worked well. Have a look at the video:
  8. Hm....I think with 39.45, I'm taken already in the runway:wink: - - - Updated - - - @ExaltedDuck wow wow wow....congratulations that's the kick i need. I 've tested today also a 2 Rapier plane. Be aware i'll be back
  9. The video:): @ExaltedDuck Nice, i like planes with ...nature feeling?... I have disigned some simple but effektive in previous versions...maybe you have a look at my youtube channel
  10. Puuuh...i did it With a parachute it was possible to low speed on runway much faster (but it took several attempts). Here the results, a little Video will follow soon. Maybe retrograde is even faster. I'll try it.
  11. Ok...update @ExaltedDuck I've optimized the ascent, reach cruising speed now in T+2min. Hold altitude at nearly 22500 (3m/s more average speed. 1708 instead of 1705 at 23000) And realy, i was earlier at the mountains, but...I must use a parachute or airbrake... lost too much time to lower the speed near and on the runway:confused:. @Xannari Ferrows Tomorrow i try it retrograde:) Ok, i think these trying don't count ok, there is no plane but a good time
  12. A complete new flight: maybe there are a few seconds in a optimal landing, but unfortunately not 30. I must optimize the start and flight to cruising altitude. To come under 40s is realy hard. My respect. I have tested also a modified model with more fuel and flying in lower altitude (21000). Not realy faster then the normal one in my first flight...only with a lucky suicide landing (11,2G) it was 9 seconds faster and needs 150 units LF more. I think it takes more time with the extra weight to reach the cruising speed.
  13. Hi all, here is my entry for this challenge: This simple and easy to flying plane was designed for reaching the orbit and come back save to KSC. For this challenge i only take out the oxidizer and fill up the wings... i was surprised, it works very well. Reaching cruising speed and altitude. halftime ...but there is a savepoint over the desert from same flight. ...ok, a bit better. Count this? edit: no mods
  14. Thanks Kuzzter, I'm pleased to hear that you like the video.
  15. @Kuzzter Thank's for reviewing my mission and sorry, the last days i don't logged me in. The resource window is open in the most of the critical moments. Only at launcherstart (but it's open before the first staging) and the fly from eve surface to orbit (I just forgot to open it . I remembered only near the orbit). I thought it would be seen as the fueltanks goes empty. But no problem, here is the Phoenix-IX.craft file. http://filehorst.de/d/bazAqnej By the way, the launcher comes in 1.0 easier in kerbin orbit then in 0.9 (4000! units Liquidfuel more left in orbit)...provided you have a powerful computer..too many parts for 1.0, it's difficult to handle with 3 frames.
  16. Sorry, I've make a mistake by count your engines. You have 24 aerospikes not 16...oh, my eyes are not the youngest 16 spikes + 1 skipper / 144t = 21 24 spikes no skipper / 144t = 25,6 That's the value of the LV-T800+spike. Ok, 25.6 in a complete vessel is enough to lift off from sealevel. Thanks a lot for your demonstration.
  17. Here some more tests with my Evelander. Based on the experience of these tests, i make a simple calculation: thrust / weight = perfomancelevel Aerospike thrust 154 (ASL) / LV-T800+Aerospike weight 6t = 25,6 <--too low Aerospike thrust 154 (ASL) / LV-T400+Aerospike weight 3,75t = 41 <--very high Whole Evelander thrust 5896 (ASL) / weight without extrafueltanks (decoupled on start) 256t = 23 <--no way The parts I have started in the first testvideo have a performancelevel of 35, it seems to be a good value. Maybe this helps you to build a new Evelander in 1.0 @metaphor sorry, no chance to lift off on sealevel for your lander (there is a Skipper in the middle, right? whole performancelevel 21)
  18. Ok, i'm testing my Lander from the Video above, in 1.0 on sealevel (nearly). ....puuuh...armageddon is the right word i think. but....have a look in the second half...
  19. Hm, i finished my video yesterday and today 1.0 is ready. Bad timing. However, maybe someone like it nevertheless. The facts: Kerbin startweight 2776,8t parts 1105 many struts, i hate wobbeling crafts funds 1.617.452 Evelander weight 352,4t parts 622 funds 382.656
  20. Hi, the video shows a flight to Laythe and back with a simple lightweight spaceplane. Enjoy it
  21. OK, here`s a 32 t optimized Launcher (also complete reusable) The remaining fuel is for the landing on Kerbin. Payload: 32.03t Liftoff mass: 70.29 t Launcher share of liftoff mass: 54.47%
  22. Hi, the launcher is reuseable. Payload: 62.5t Liftoff mass: 140.05t Launcher share of liftoff mass: 55.37% Here you can see the launcher in action (beginning and end of the video):
  23. If you want to land on Duna, be sure you have enough lift. Simple rule: The spaceplane flies well on Kerbin, put more wings on it to handle it well on Duna. Eve...arrgh. I tried once...
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