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Posts posted by vexx32

  1. There are a few.

    They don't appear as buttons because adding additional buttons to the editor is significantly more difficult than just adding BBCode. If I recall correctly, it would require someone at Squad to FTP into the servers and upload thumbnails for use as the buttons. They are frequently too busy to do so, however.

  2. This post has been in General Discussion for far more than a single Standard Galactic Day, and as such has promptly been moved to the Space Lounge, where it belongs. :)

  3. Having KSP under Program Files like that can produce some unwanted results, as Windows may at times deny it read/write access to its own directory, because it lacks the registry entries most installed programs will create when placing files into the Program Files folder(s). I've not heard of it producing this exact problem before, but it's not unlikely to be the cause.

    I'd recommend unzipping a new copy to C:\KSP and running that; see if that causes the same issue.

  4. You are correct. In addition, since crafts can (and frequently do) break apart in KSP, that sort of model would have lots of trouble dealing with a craft when it starts to crash. While it is the most efficient way to have those kinds of calculations work properly, it wouldn't be optimal for KSP's way of doing things -- rapid assembly and disassembly of craft.

    It would also have to recalculate those things on the fly if you tried to dock something and then reenter the atmosphere with it, and in myriad other situations. Having those things precalculated seems fraught with issues for a game like KSP.

  5. Well, for one, that stat is already way over #10,000 -- 98,700 is far larger than that. Secondly, we're already past #100,000 -- if you look at thread ID numbers, we're at 110,607 as of this thread (see the number in the thread URL).

    There are non-publicly-visible threads as well as archived threads, which as far as I know do not contribute to the public thread count. :)

  6. I thought the ESA logos were in already? Some of them anyway.

    This is what I was talking about earlier but couldn't quite articulate it into a short summary. I wonder if they'll allow that to be used in the VAB as well though?

    The VAB and SPH are basically the same editor, just with slightly different initial setup conditions. It would probably be more work to disable it in the VAB. And it sure would be useful in the VAB, too.

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