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Everything posted by Kalliopi42

  1. Complete newb here, having some problems I'm hoping someone might know something about. Haven't been able to find it anywhere. I'm playing a heavily-modded version (Basically what Scott Manley is playing right now, but in 0.22). I recently upgraded FAR to fix a bug that was making it impossible to play (at someone's suggestion) and now... the game always hangs on load at a B9 part (B9_Aero_Wing_ControlSurface_SE_1m) which is also almost exactly 50% loaded... I haven't changed anything but FAR... Is there any hope? Have I completely lost my game? I've tried reverting, but to no avail.
  2. Don't know if this has been brought up and I missed it, but... In light of Neil Armstrong's recent and tragic death, and his memorials being added to the game, I have to wonder the following: Though she wasn't responsible for any major groundbreaking firsts, nor was she as great a hero, Sally Ride was always one of my personal top heroes. I would dearly love to see a Sally "Ride" Kerbal character added to the game. Who else is with me?
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