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Everything posted by akuthia

  1. Since uninstalling science alert (earlier today), it has not crashed. HOWEVER, OBS is actually not running at the moment either. I'd say that while i may not have had OBS streaming at the time of crashes, it was likely open at the time. Crashes were occurring anywhere between immediately on launching the game (while loading resources), to getting into the menu, to some random point during game play, but early enough and frequently enough to make me stop playing. ETA: It appears you might be on to something, as soon as I went to record in OBS, the game crashed! I can have science alert back!
  2. hey reeper, I'd like to point you to https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/2xahbe/ksp_has_become_really_unstable_for_me_help_me/ for some help. I am addicted to science alert (such a pain now, early game, trying to zip around kerbin collecting science!) but, i had to uninstall, as it seemed like the most likely canidate to be giving me the problems, and since uninstalling it, I've been crash free. Can you take a look at the logs, and see if they are infact involving SA? Thanks!
  3. How wold we go about using that? it doesn't look to me like it's cooked into the .dll file, it looks like it's a raw code file.
  4. Is there a spreadsheet, or anything, that shows where things are placed in the tech tree? I'm trying to build a crane, but for the life of me, can't figure out where any of the actual grabby bits are located at. Playying in science mode (and being a relative newbie to KSP) I don't have all of the grand tricks for getting insane numbers of science from one voyage. Typically I try to pull 3-500 out of a single trip though.
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