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Everything posted by Gubru

  1. Dang. However, I did apply for it when it was available; does that mean my application is still in the pool for consideration? Thanks, Sid
  2. As the title says; I have scoured my profile options, but to no avail. Thanks for your time, Sid
  3. Dangit; I was hoping now that plugins and such are implemented, that you could get the KerbinStar working!
  4. Eagerly awaiting the next update. I\'m wracking my brain to try and figure out other good ideas for it. Hmmm...
  5. I want a decorative 2M nosecone for attaching to the top of side-mounted 2M fueltanks, and the like. I\'ve been making do by using the 2M -> 1M fairing... but it just looks odd. Purely cosmetic, of course.
  6. Any plans for updating with the 0.14 update? Animated DownUnder landing legs?!
  7. Wow, this is just the part I was looking for. Thanks for the bumpage, and glad to know it still functions correctly. (:
  8. Personally, I\'m still anxiously awaiting the day that you\'ll resume work on the Venture Star.
  9. Found this on the YouTubes; describes exactly what I\'m talking aboot.
  10. Something strange happened to me... I landed the Ausplane upside down... and it increased speed and slid across the ground at 2000m/s.
  11. My favourite of the two(?) other shuttles. Easiest to fly, and the best-looking too.
  12. Looks great, love the RCS, but it is hard to fly in the lower atmosphere. Likes to pitch up quite a bit.
  13. This pony thing could scare away new members...
  14. Can\'t wait for the update... the Ausplane and the radial-mounting-ness! Am super-stoked!
  15. No WAY. It\'s been done already, lol! http://youtu.be/MKBLJ9qC0as
  16. Truly epic. Now all we need is a 1958 Corvette from Heavy Metal... complete with the top down to see Jeb. http://youtu.be/DWMPe3wF9jQ
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