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Everything posted by Gubru

  1. Absolutely amazing! I for one dig the heat-shielding. Maybe darken it a bit? Can\'t wait to give this a test-flight.
  2. I, for one, dig the new Avatar and lack-of-a-slogon-under-it. Definitely a... \'sharper\' image. Best of luck.
  3. I could be mistaken, but I do not recall anyone specifically telling Nova what, or what not to do. I don\'t believe anyone is unthankful for his parts, per se. Most of the negative comments I have witnessed seemed to be regarding aggression towards other users where it isn\'t warranted.
  4. Awesome, awesome! Can\'t wait. Edit: Any pictures of the textured space plane?
  5. Heh, woah. What? I wasn\'t implying anything alluding to that notion. You have misinterpreted my post. As it stands right now, I think HarvestR has bigger fish to fry (persistence, docking, etc) than simply adding more pleasing parts. That is all I was saying. No need to go on the defensive, man. <3
  6. Could we get the lander legs, separate from the engine module?
  7. Well shit. I was looking forward to the Kerbol-star as much as I was to the 0.14 update!
  8. Can\'t wait for the next update. Would really like it if I could attach fuel tanks to the side of other tanks, ala the default fuel tank. Would make for great parallel rocket designs! This is my favourite pack.
  9. I whole-heartedly disagree. I think Harv should keep developing stock parts, as placeholders, as I\'m sure he\'s doing now -- and we can download packs at our leisure. I\'m sure when KSP goes official, there will be a slew of high-quality parts to choose from. Incorporated user-made parts is probably very low on the game development\'s priority list. Most people who are playing this game in the alpha state usually know where to go to download additional parts. But on the topic of which pack we feel has the best potential to be included -- or should possibly be included; I would argue the Downunder parts pack. Unlike most other packs I\'ve noticed, the DU pack is the most consistent, balanced and aesthetically pleasing.
  10. I never really liked your previous parts (save for the Vanguard), but these are good. Good job and thank you is in order. Now all we need is persistency, so I can load up the surface of the Mun with these.
  11. Can\'t wait for the update! This is the only parts pack that I use... I like how balanced it is, and how good the parts work and look. I also like the fact that there isn\'t an overabundance of useless junk.
  12. Ah, thought so. Thanks for clearing that up.
  13. Hey, how do I install this? Do I need to mKe a parts folder by myself, or what? All I have are a texture folder and a mesh folder.
  14. I really like the looks of the last set of windows. I think you have a winner there. You should insert 3D models of the three Kerbals into them -- complete with a set of shades for Jeb, of course.
  15. I seriously can\'t wait for this. How is the lift value for this lifting body craft going to work?
  16. Mr. Box, Your stuff rocks, and I anxiously await the release of the SSTO vehicle. <3
  17. You\'re an amazing developer, Harv. Thanks for all your efforts developing KSP. It\'s the most fun I\'ve had playing a game since.. forever. So much that my Skyrim disc is collecting dust in the corner as I struggle to get to the Mun. So I just registered on the forums to letcha know this -- I\'ve been playing since version 7, and seeing the amount of progress and features added to the game has amazed me! Going to pre-order after I post this. Cheers!
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