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Everything posted by EatThePath

  1. An alternative to the tricoupler, this lets you run a side-by-side triple stack without fiddling with radial decouplers. Comes with variants at different angles to allow some extra design freedom.
  2. Can this be used to rotate the part along its Y axis? I don't want to have a part point to the side, just have a different side of it 'forward'.
  3. Tried launching Sasha. As it loads, it never gets off the pad. I moved the unobstructed solids to the first stage so they'll fire immediately, and that did make it move... it wobbled sideways off the pad then fell over and exploded. Is there some special trick to this?
  4. Is there a way to put a rotation on a connection? So for example you could have a T connector that had a rotation on the bottom or top connection point, and attaching several in series could get you a spiral pattern? or to allow outriggers that turn tricouplers for working bilateral symmetry?
  5. A secret, but a discoverable one! A friend of mine took data points from one of my orbit and worked out the planet's mass from there. It's only one orbit, and perigee is grazing the atmosphere at that(43700m), but apparently the math works out well enough. According to him surface escape velocity is 3.431 km/s, and at 100 km altitude i' goes down to 3.176 km/s. The planet itself masses around about 5.29e22 kg
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