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Everything posted by strigon

  1. Tugs... doesn't start with a P... Anyway, I do use them, in a sense; they all have 1 to 3 letter prefixes, with a common name attached to them. For example, my SSTO spaceplane that I'm working on is called the SP - Peregrine (SP for Spaceplane, of course). Improvements will usually mean there is a number attached to the prefix (SP-1, SP-2, etc.), while modifications for a specific task will result in a letter attached to the prefix; my Laythe-bound version, which will include drop tanks, will be the SP-H Peregrine.
  2. How does one rebind the fire button? I can't find it for the life of me!
  3. That makes sense, but I don't think that's the problem. As I said, I have another line for when it gets 2,000 metres up using the same command, and that happens when the altimeter reads 1,999. Unless it's also less than two kilometers... But I have kerbal engineer on, and that seems to be giving me a perfectly functional terrain altimeter; is that relevant? Do they cut out at the same height?
  4. Something very peculiar seems to be happening with my copy of the mod. Not only does your solution yield the same result, but your program isn't working; I took a screenshot. I'm definitely starting to think I messed up somewhere, although it might be a conflicting mod...
  5. I just use the variable itself; the first time it's used in the program is to start slowing myself down for descent in my Mun lander. The section is: Wait until Alt:Radar < 10000. Until Periapsis <0 { Lock Throttle to 1.0. Set Ship:Control:Pilotmainthrottle to 1.0. } Now, I'm new to coding so this could very well be a case of the problem existing between chair and keyboard, but the ship just sits there like a lemon until the altimeter reads 10,000. I know I'm not just above a flat surface because later on, I use it again (the exact same way) to start slowing down when it reaches 2,000. My engines barely cut in before I slam into the ground.
  6. The variable Alt:radar doesn't seem to be working; it appears to give the same value as just Altitude; i.e., the altitude above "sea level". Known issue?
  7. So, I was docking in orbit around Minmus, when I got my close approach. Switched to the docking craft, and did my standard procedure of orienting myself to face the other craft, when it began rotating. When I released controls, it stopped. Long story short, every time I try turning one craft, the other responds as though I am inputting the same controls to its reaction wheels (even after I disabled them). As you might imagine, this has made docking a challenge, at the very least.
  8. I continued my real-world inspired career save; I have it set so that money gains are at 60%, monetary losses are at 150%, reputation is at 100% and reputation losses are at 250%. I also maxed out all of the science so I wouldn't have to bother with any of that, and tacked on a few realism mods (TAC LS, FinePrint, FAR, and Deadly Reentry, and thinking about KAS). Naturally, I'm not reverting (though I kept the option in case of bugs). All of that makes things quite satisfying to complete, and it's very compelling. I find myself using probes whenever it's reasonable, and it made me create my first cargo SSTO! (Granted, I made it a little bit too early, and a single mishap could have bankrupted me, but hey, I figured I might as well start going 100% reusable as soon as possible!). I managed to get a very small probe to Minmus, and land safely :3 I really like this style, because: A) It breathes new life into a game that was getting a bit stale. It's a lot more management, which plays to my strengths. And C) It forces me to deal with problems. My Minmus probe was almost out of fuel during landing, but then I realized I had the monoprop I used to push it out of the cargo bay, and landed with that! I recommend it to anyone who needs a change of pace, and doesn't enjoy science grinding
  9. You get extra points for surviving when you're out of fuel, and using a rover. Do those stack, or...?
  10. Okay, here's the deal. As we all know, asteroids tend to float around in space. Sometimes, these asteroids are brought near Kerbin, and on rare occasion, may even impact! Now, currently these impacts are quite sedate, but if the laws of physics keep being rewritten (read: updated), they may very well prove fatal in the future. Kerbalkind must not be wiped out. So, our only option is to spread out among the outer planets, and populate other celestial bodies! First up; Jool's moons! Rules: In one flight, you must leave Kerbin's SOI, fly out to Jool, get captured, and drop off one kerbal at each moon. (100 points) Problem solved! But sir, won't we need two kerbals to procreate? Ah. Right: Hard Mode: Two kerbals must be dropped off at each location. (100 points per second kerbal) It might help if they had some supplies... Very Hard Mode: +1 for each 10 units of liquid fuel dropped off with each kerbal/pair. Won't they need to get around? Ironman Mode: +250 for each vehicle dropped off with the Kerbals. (Note, may not be rocket-powered [jets are fine on Laythe], and must be capable of circumnavigating the body.)(Max: one vehicle per moon) Emergency! One of the pioneers is having a medical crisis! We need to bring him back onboard and give him treatment! Manley Mode: After returning to a circular, 300km orbit around Jool, randomly determine a moon for the crisis to occur on. Return to that moon's orbit, bring one Kerbal back aboard the mother ship, and send him back down to his partner (if he has one.) +750 points Extra points may be awarded for unique entries, any mods which aren't deliberately cheating (hyperedit, etc.) are allowed, but must be listed in your submission. Good luck, Kerbonauts! Hall of fame:
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