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Everything posted by Dalua

  1. Here is my relay network.. Dunno why my relays do not connect to each other. My plan was to build monster-rover that can beam up 15-20 GW and roll it near KSC. Then put a relay into geosync orbit above it (Relay 1). And then put 3 more relays into triangle in 705 km orbit.
  2. i am a newbie, so i posted here.. i am in a dire need of help. I spent half a day trying to figure whats wrong with no success.
  3. Thank you for your reply. Problem 3 - no, if there are nothing to power up, it should be like Max Power 2GW, Current Power 0GW. Aaaand it really does! But only if i put smth between Transceiver and Electric Generator. Even if it is a single part. Kinda weird.. Problem 1 - i launched two more relays into space. And i have another problem - it says 0 relays connected, but i have two of them in a direct line of sight. So looks like i dont have any connections at all. Between any transceivers, no matter beaming or receiving. On the other hand, simple Microwave Receiver works fine. What could be the problem?
  4. Hello, fellow kerbalnauts. I have some problems with Transceivers and Antimatter harvest in Interstellar Lite. First problem - i built a rover with generators and a transceiver and roll in near KSC.. and it do not connect with my relay satellite in a geostationary orbit directly above it. I tried to check what could be wrong, by flying by in a plane. Still no clue. Microwave Receiver works fine, but not transceiver, neither as a relay nor Receiver. Next i have a problem with antimatter harvest using science lab. It simply says O% efficiency. Dunno why. And last problem - when i attach transceiver directly to an electric generator - it will not generate any power. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.
  5. And one more problem. When i attach Transceiver directly to an electric generator, it will stop generating any power.
  6. Hello everyone, i am in a dire need of your help. I have two problems - i cannot collect antimatter via Lab and my transcievers arent working. here some images: first, i have a problem with beaming power. I built a power plant >12GW and roll it near KSC. Then i deployed 2 geostationary relays with transcivers, but they didnt get any power (no connection, even the one directly above KSC). Then i tried to check whats wrong, by flying by.. And second problem - i cannot collect any antimatter. It simply says 0% efficiency and zero harvest per day. What do i do wrong? I have read wiki, but with no success ...
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