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Everything posted by cardgame

  1. cardgame


    Everything is going to plan...
  2. cardgame


    Quite. Let\'s veer the thread towards discussion of actual paradoxi: The following statement is false. The previous statement is true.
  3. I\'ve never understood this game much. The last poster wouldn\'t get any recognition for being a winner, so what\'s the point?
  4. Depends on the plane, but generally you put some linear or heavy RCS thrusters dotted around the fuselage, facing down. It\'s not a bad idea to put a couple retro thrusters in front to slow the plane so it can be perfectly vertical. It\'s trial and error, really, until you get a decently stable distribution of thrusters. Look at your RCS key mappings for translations - IJKLHN or whatever it is. Personally, I remapped it to the numpad and pg up/down. Translate the ship UP to provide a downward force. When you have the correct distribution, your plane should end up looking something like this when using translation
  5. Nope, ground\'s ~55 meters above sea level at the KSC. It\'s supported by this ridge
  6. Ah, I didn\'t know one could search subforums. I just searched the entire forums - probably why I couldn\'t find it
  7. Land on this tiny, hilly island. ONLY C7 components. No Pontoons or third party skids to make this easier. I\'ll allow the plane to be moving, as long as 2+ landing gears are on the ground and it doesn\'t exceed 10 m/s. Directions:
  8. I would love to see anyone\'s attempt to beat gaby\'s incredible mun lander. That just blew me away. Damn good job, gaby.
  9. Any chance of adding bombs to this pack? I\'ve seen them on other planes and yet no source is revealed Also, what kind of decouplers are those, Jelly? I\'m currently using the stock radials and they not only look ugly but leave behind ugly spots after being fired >_>
  10. I guess I\'ll be the first to say it: quantum computing.
  11. I think you mean ingenuity ON TOPIC: These skids just look - well, there\'s no other word for it than stupid - on a 1 meter fuselage. Would definitely appreciate some smaller ones as I love my 1m fuselage planes and haven\'t really mastered anything larger
  12. Buzzing the KSC It may not look like it, but I\'m actually a mere 57 meters above ground.
  13. No name for that ridiculously narrow isthmus connecting Kerfrica with New Kork? I\'d have thought that\'d be a famous landmark.
  14. You know what would be nice? A map, since we have one ingame. I\'ve drawn up something in Paint for basic illustration purposes.
  15. Actually, I retract my statement. I flew this thing up to around 20-30 km where the air is thinner... posted, then flew one of my own smaller and what I thought of as very stable planes up that far - it wobbled to hell and back too. It could use some more stability, but it\'s not as unstable as I said it was. Yes, that\'s what I was referring to. If you view the obrital map at ~5km above the KSC you can see it for a second when the map reverts back to a view of the plane. Only a 2-3 minute trip. I flew at least three times that distance in 5-7 minutes when I accidentally flew up to 20km. Is Kuba that antipodean island continent?
  16. Oh, well that\'s nothing as a unit of distance if you go up in the atmosphere. If you\'re below 5km the whole way it\'s a different story.
  17. Where exactly is Kersica? Is it the Australia of Kerbin, or is it that tiny island just north of the KSC?
  18. This ship is pretty nice for, well, flying and gliding. It can also land on about any flat surface at speeds less than 40 m/s. Handling is pretty good imo. RCS thrusters are included for improved maneuverability, particularly while landing the craft. EDIT: Added VTOL capabilities. Be very careful with the thrusters now - they\'re heavy. Just double tap them while flying, hold for a short time to achieve a VTOL. Buzzing the KSC: Also: perfect glide landing at a mere 25 m/s. Back wheels first, like a Kerbal boss. (But really, it works much better landing on the back wheels)
  19. I used ASAS and fins for no performance gain whatsoever with my ship.
  20. Quite unstable actually. I don\'t think those two tiny tailfins are enough. Turning is a bitch and knocks you so far off course from wobbling...
  21. Well, that\'s more of a bonus. As I said, that Herculean task can only be completed by the rightful Emperor of Mun.
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