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Everything posted by cardgame

  1. What am I supposed to do with the jetengine map?
  2. I have a notion to turn this into a chat thread. Luigi, bro, what\'s your favorite mod?
  3. Welcome to our forums! Happy crashing and exploding!
  4. I\'m going to try to make a bi- or tri-plane soonish.
  5. Looks like something that has no business in the air.
  6. Turning safety devices into weaponry is looked upon with approval, no? ::: Put this device on top of a detachable nuclear-capable cruise missile (a few aeronautics will know what I speak of). Let it loose, let it fly, and detonate for airburst. :::
  7. I\'ve read this three times and I still don\'t understand what you\'re trying to say xD
  8. This tiny craft is built for agility and speed. It has complete RCS controls and is capable of flight using only RCS thrust - but liftoff must be achieved with the standard engines or catastrophe will strike. Gliding characteristics aren\'t awful, but neither are they sufficient to complete a horizontal landing. VTOL, however, can be accomplished. Two test landings were made without landing gear: one was a total loss of crew and ship, the other sacrificed only one Neutron engine and had an otherwise safe landing. I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike, I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride it where I like Horizontal takeoffs are out of the question as well; the wheels simply can\'t bear the thrust, even with RCS assistance to get the nose up. Speed demonstration: The Bumblebee was actually able to reach 489 m/s at 6,000m, but due to faulty camera equipment no such image is available.
  9. It\'s supposed to fly like a brick It\'s an orbital plane, not a fighter jet.
  10. Those yellow dots are the engine locations. There are some right where the angled wings separate from the larger main wing, above and below the wing.
  11. Pretty nice design. I\'m surprised you were able to control it so well without a tailfin By outer atmosphere, though, I mean up at 50,000+ meters, or as high as it is possible to be and still change your plane\'s heading without RCS. By orbital plane, I mean it should be able to establish itself in an orbit exceeding 75,000 meters.
  12. Perhaps you should try splitting the engines apart evenly, if you haven\'t already experimented with such a design. / | | [] | | \ / wings \ engine | fuselage []
  13. ...should know what I\'m talking about. The Arkbird is an orbital plane that descends into the upper atmosphere to change course. It is armed with a laser cannon on its belly or nose. In the original game, it was put into space via mass drivers. Here, the challenge is to put it into space with a rocket or two, or even by itself. Build the spaceplane as close to scale as you can. It is completely understandable if you are unable to construct a 200 meter monster, but larger is better.
  14. My Kingdom\'s page has many up-close images of our nation. We\'ve flown all over it.
  15. I played it on the N64. Awesome game, I spent what feels like hundreds of hours on it...
  16. cardgame

    Have we?

    Its mass is at minimum 2.9 times that of Earth, which is a bit at odds with Kerbin
  17. Nobody will the be winner until OP locks the thread.
  18. Planning a Minecraft structure? That\'s not Kerbal! Or Minecrafty, the way I used to play...
  19. It would seem that, against all intuition, a select few will always think I am female.
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