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Dirt Diver

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Everything posted by Dirt Diver

  1. The settings.CFG will re-populate when you get the game to launch and you go into settings, when you get your settings the way you want them and save, that is when that file appears. it does appear that you are having the same issue I was having, I need to edit my thread as I was able to narrow down even further what it was that fixed it, it was the virtual memory Increasing Virtual Memory in Windows 10 Go to the Start Menu and click on Settings. Type performance. Choose Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows. In the new window, go to the Advanced tab and under the Virtual memory section, click on Change. At the bottom of the new window, check what the Recommended value is and how it compares to Currently allocated. If the current setting is significantly less than the recommended, uncheck the Automatically manage paging file size for all drives box at the top of the same windows and then click on Custom size. Enter the Recommended value in the Initial Size box, and a larger figure in the Maximum size box. Click OK to save the new settings. I changed mine to 16,000 and this fixed the issues, I have not had anymore issues with ksp after doing this, I have a bunch of mods installed now and it runs great.
  2. I finally have it working and found the fix for it, I will update the title of this as well, but here is what I did to fix the issue. delete both the settings.CFG and the physics.CFG verify the integrity through Steam increase virtual memory to 16,000
  3. something i just noticed, every time I run the game, it crashes, if I reverify the files, its missing a file or has to redownload new things i've tried: Forcing DX12 uninstalling both DLC's, trying each one seperate forcing ksp to use integrated graphics card
  4. After doing some further research, it appears that this is a common problem with unity, often times there is some type of conflict between citrix and it, but I do not have that installed on my laptop, and there are plenty of people that are just having problems with unity all together. I cannot find any fixes for it
  5. https://www.dropbox.com/s/wa3owzsj6agbxel/error.log?dl=0 here is my error log sorry this took a few days, I work alot
  6. My mistake then, let me see if I can get it is it the crash.dmp i'll have to upload it later, my laptop just died and i dont have my power cable
  7. I have a completely unmodded KSP and i cannot get it to load for anything, I have it through steam, My pc specs are I7-8750H, GTX 1050, 8GB of Ram, Windows 10 and running through steam I've tried reinstalling, reverifying https://www.dropbox.com/s/3u3i30s75otpbug/Player.log?dl=0 FIX: delete both the settings.CFG and physics.CFG verify the integrity through Steam increase virtual memory to 16,000
  8. when i look at that i dont see anything in it, do i have to sign up on that website to see it, and yes i looked, looked at curse, looked through almost every thread
  9. does anyone have version 0.13.1 for 23.5, i have literally looked everywhere and cant find it
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