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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. There is no such thing as an overly large rocket! But yes, We'll definitely add KJR. Outer planets definitely looks interesting, would anyone else like to see it? Yeah, the term modpack definitely has quite a negative stigma attached to it, and not without good reason.
  2. If i remember rightly Kopernicus allows you to change planets. What would you want to be added or Changed?
  3. Introduction We've noticed that there is a huge selection of mods available from the amazing KSP community. We wanted a way to showcase our favourite mods and make it easy for others to download the entire set. This is why we are creating The KSP Komplete Modpack [WIP]. What we want to achieve: A lightweight modpack without unessential clutter, but containing all the parts you would want in your save. Find the best combination of visual mods that not only looks good but also performs well. Feature Life Support and Communications mods, and other significant new game-play changes, but not undermine the feel of the stock game We will be using a CKAN list, which allows us to provide one link to get all our mods, without infringing on the rights of the wonderful creators of these mods. Feel free to make mod suggestions, we'll consider adding the most popular ones! Thanks, AmigoGumball and 8u1letSp0nge PS: Sorry for the inactivity, we've both had Exams and stuff. Install Guide 1. Download CKAN from their github. 2. Run CKAN, and find the KSP install you want to use for the modpack. Backup your saves, use the modpack at your own risk! 3. Download the .ckan modlist file here. 4. In CKAN, click "file", then "install from .ckan". Find the .ckan file, then press "open". 5. CKAN will then download and install the modlist for you. If the "apply changes" button is green, click it. Otherwise, you are done and you can launch the game and enjoy the modpack! Current Modlist The modlist is still WIP, as not all mods are ready for 1.1.3 yet. If you find any issues, feel free to report them . Active Texture Management - Removed due to being discontinued since KSP version 1.0. Additionally, the replacement, Dynamic Texture Loader, also appears to be broken ATM. Airplanes Plus AVC B9 aerospace - no HX - Added B9 procedural wings Chatterer EVE - Not updated for 1.1.3 Interstellar Fuel Switch - Added Kerbal Alarm Clock Kerbal Atomics Kerbal Attachment System Kerbal Inventory System Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - Added, as this is compulsory Kerbal Planetary Base Systems - Not updated for 1.1.3 Kerbal Engineer Redux Mechjeb 2 RasterPropMonitor Remote Tech Scatterer - Whilst a great mod, scatterer is still WIP, and can cause graphical glitches and poor performance. Not updated to 1.1.3. SpaceY Lifters and SpaceY Lifters Expanded Stock Extension TAC life support Tweakscale
  4. Thanks, I cleared my DNS and refreshed the page, now working properly. Bring on the download Hype!
  5. I'm using windows but none of these methods work for me either, could i have a link to the purchases section?
  6. I've been using ksp for years and absolutely love the game. I bought the game from the website, but to my dismay I can't download ksp 1.0. I am using the 32bit version of KSP on windows 8.1. I've tried these methods- Using the launcher - won't progress past "checking for updates" Using the patcher - won't do anything, just stays at 0% permanently in the "getting things ready" section. Using the website - doesn't work as the servers are still migrating. Unfortunately I didn't buy the game on steam so I can't use that. I found the download instructions at www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/instructions.php but predictably that is also being migrated. Is there anything else I should try or am I going to have to listen to my friends gloating at me over skype at me all week?
  7. The squad patcher won't find it after, despite the launcher saying "ksp 1.0 is out".
  8. I run: intel core i5 4690k @ 4.5ghz 8gb ram kingston hyperx 120gb ssd xfx Radeon r9 270x blue led lights
  9. Great Mod, already love it. However, if Google Drive isn't a shady file sharing website then I don't know what is!
  10. What I think would be really nice is that the kerbals might not *completely* understand orbital mechanics from day one, and you would have to pay science/money to get more mathematicians on the job. The basic map wouldn't show things like SOI changes, Closest approaches and AN/DN nodes. This would add great progression to the game combined with having to pay money/science to anlayse mapping data transmitted back from mapping vessels. This makes early game much more strategic and raises questions like "Do I need detailed SOI info to reach the Mün?" Or "Can I afford a biome map of x?"
  11. Thanks for the help, I had this issue in all of my saves and now the problem is gone! Now to fix the million glitches in my modded save...
  12. Yeah that's fine if you want to use far, I just suggested near because I prefer it.
  13. I'm having some annoying issues with hyper edit in 32bit Ksp. Whenever I have used hyper edit, when I return to the space station I can't open any of the buildings. This doesn't seem to happen after normal flights, but it may be a problem with planetfactory. Please fix!
  14. Ok, am thinking about adding more ships, but I'm busy making a cinematic for this at the moment. Hold those thoughts!
  15. Ok I will look into ATC, I never really liked the interface from tree edit anyway. Thanks for pointing it out!
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