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Posts posted by Skylab

  1. I never use MJ, but I don't look down on people who do. From everything I've heard, it just doesn't sound very fun to me.

    Also, I don't know why some people think the stock UI is broken or unusable; I've never had any problems with it.

  2. The game is unplayable for me now because of the new chute mechanics. I've made 5 attempts to return a Mk1 capsule (with a heat shield and a Mk16 parachute, nothing complicated) from LKO to the surface. Each one failed. I deployed the chute the second it said that it was safe, but it wouldn't open in time. I have no idea how I'm going to work with this problem. If anyone has managed to get around this, please tell me how you did it. I'll be very grateful.

  3. I built my very first spaceplane. Unfortunately, pretty much all it can do is get to space. I can't get into a stable orbit or land it where I want.



    Also, this isn't related to KSP, but I had a really funny dream last night where I bought a used space shuttle orbiter at a garage sale, and was using it to drive around town instead of a car. I was going to drive it to work but realized that it was a bit too flashy, so instead I walked there, because I had sold my car to buy the shuttle.

  4. I recently learned how to calculate delta-v, but every time I try it, my numbers are way off. For example, I was trying to send a craft to land on Dres. I calculated the delta-v of each stage and added all the values together, and checked how much delta-v the mission would require, including the return to Kerbin. According to my calculations the rocket would have enough delta-v, but then I wound up running out of fuel before I could actually land. I also tried calculating the delta-v of this much simpler rocket:


    The amount I got was about 1740 m/s^2, but when I flew it my maximum speed before I ran out of fuel was somewhere around 470 m/s. What am I doing wrong here? Am I missing something completely obvious? :huh:

  5. The only problem I had with the movie was some of the dialogue about "love binding people together" or something like that. I thought it was pretty cheesy and didn't really go anywhere. Other than that, I absolutely LOVED Interstellar. It's a great science fiction movie that I think will stand the test of time. I can't believe that it only has a 73 on Rotten Tomatoes.

  6. Beginning my first serious mission to Eve. I plan to get into orbit, drop a landing probe onto the planet, send a manned lander to Gilly, and come home. I think I might even keep the thing in Kerbin orbit after I return so I can use it for other interplanetary missions. I got the transfer stage into orbit after several tries, then docked a lander, probe, and habitation module to it. Right now I'm trying to dock a module with reserve fuel onto it, but I messed up my first try because I put the RCS thrusters too far forward and the thing was too hard to control.





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