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Everything posted by bwarren109

  1. Gets Frenchman. Inserts croissant.
  2. ...the Gravity Turn becomes a gravity flip, and after a minute of RCS and gimbal, getting back on course, and you still go to the mun, minmus, back to the mun, and then back to Kerbin. Also, when you take off with your mun lander and get to orbit going the opposite direction of the CM you were trying to rendezvous with, and still having enough delta-v to completely change the inclination of the lander, while still doing all of that.
  3. Check your RAM usage. You may be over the 4GB limit.
  4. Really boring space shuttle. Could try Kerbal Aircraft Expansion. Has some nice bigger stockalike gear. Or B9...
  5. This sounds bad. I try to keep the original three alive, but the rest I don't care about as much. I try to keep them alive as best I can, but everyone makes mistakes.
  6. *If you have trouble building useful rockets, trying building a replica of a real-world rocket. It will help you get a feel for what works and what doesn't. *As much as the forum makes it seem true, building a rocket with MOAR BOOSTERS isn't always useful. Build what you need to accomplish the mission. Bigger isn't always better. *This also goes for landers. Place the landing legs far enough out so that you don't flip over if you land with too much horizontal velocity.
  7. I rebuilt my SLS, Delta-IV, and Orion Replicas after finally getting all of my mods reinstalled for 0.90. CKAN made it much easier.
  8. CKAN recently updated. I had that same issue, but reinstalled and it worked. Try downloading the new version and see if it works.
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