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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. Granted. It's so private that you're the only one on board. Eventually, you wait for the return capsule to arrive, but they don't know you're here. You starve to death, and your body is found floating in space. You become a snack, the one thing you didn't have on the ISS. I wish for XKCD.
  2. Whatdaya need? Any way we can help?
  3. Hello Boom.Sp00n! Besides the options above, there is one more. If you're a trial-and-error-type person, you could also start a sandbox game and see what takes you to orbit. good luck!
  4. I had a real treat today: 4 notifications at once!!! :cool:
  5. Eventually has arrived. People, we can build a better. stronger. faster... I need to stop watching Kirrimm Kerman. (also, that vid is so old!) Endersmens?
  6. How many people are eligible for each title from Flight Director to Sr. Spacecraft Engineer?
  7. Correct, I just happen to be a boy scout. XD TUBM is in need of either sleep of caffeine.
  8. You seem like the kinda person who would also own a set of lockpicks.
  9. If you happen to get a win tonight, please stop at -100 or 100 so us GMs can check it. I will be going to sleep soon.
  10. I say that every time I see the moon: "We've been there. We will go further."
  11. I won't, either. But the possibilities are endless! Will this do? I'll need to shrink it, of course.
  12. I think my granddad has one, too. Awesome stuff!
  13. I use my intergalactic snowplows to get rid of your snow. My clean intergalactic highway.
  14. Yes. TUBM is over three years old.
  15. I bulldoze the hill to make room for an intergalactic highway. My highway or the highway.
  16. No. I actually just uninstalled it of my own free will. But it will be back soon. TUBM is quick.
  17. Yeah something like that. Or a black apple, and paris in the background. (JK) (Although the apple would be nice, if small.) Yes. He could wear it proudly with his GM badge. But it would get dusty.
  18. Yes, there is a way. two, in fact. 1: switch to it and press "Recover Vehicle" 2. Go to the tracking station and select it. Press "Recover Vehicle"
  19. What kind are you using? The OX-STAT ones don't break.
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