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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. Same, I joined in November 2008. It's written on the inside of my handbook
  2. I mine it for resources. My resources.
  3. Very true. Never even dreamed of going there. TUBM has passed 10th grade.
  4. Worng! Just like my spelling. Not Dman979.
  5. If I recall correctly, the highest award in Korea is Tiger Scout?
  6. Very true, but I'll fix that soon. TUBM is good at math.
  7. Wallace and Gromit is a live-action comedy duo.
  8. I report this post to a Mod. My mod-supported post.
  9. Don't forget to become an active member of the forums! And don't forget the chutes! Welcome, you'll enjoy your time here.
  10. I started with Boy Scouts. I wish I had joined the Cubs!
  11. I'm still working on my entry. I think that the I-beams frame is the way to go.
  12. I break your laws. My jail time.
  13. I love that avatar! Nope. Ferrows?
  14. You call that a crane? This as a crane.
  15. Nope. TUBM joined in 2015.
  16. Congratulations! Next up, give him this: http://dspace.mit.edu/handle/1721.1/12652 Once he's finished that, give his resume to NASA. But SRSLY, it's really great that he's reading. He's gonna need glasses before he's 12, though! You heard it here first.
  17. Scott Manley taught Orville and Wilbur how to fly.
  18. -36 (+) I had to AFNUMBERWAR for a bit. And I may need to again.
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