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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. surfing the internet from SPAAACE! Looking at pictures
  2. Now I can give you the 5 points for F-19, b/c your plane was scrapped and rebuilt from the ground up. What dedication!
  3. As I said, really, really fun to watch. Did you completely restart your build, or was that just me?
  4. Granted. However, the painkillers used to make it stop hurting give you an addiction, rendering you a shaking, thoughtless blob unable to engage in your favorite activity: reverts! I wish you would tell me what you have in store, b/c you haven't been posting there...
  5. Doing scientific experiments with materials "found by the side of the road" and a sentient goo-in-a-bottle. trolling.
  6. I also get to make it -50. But I have to add one. I like being different!
  7. whackjob- That's a good one! any ones about SM?
  8. Starwhip, this is a lot of fun to watch. Keep up the headbanging!
  9. Going to work on a depressed trajectory ICBM on the Jeb bus. Paralyzed
  10. Woof! One slobbery newspaper. Enders? Why is your name Endersmens? Is it a reference to Enders Game?
  11. This is getting better and better! He's on the forums, too. Scott, are you seeing this?
  12. Looks like you're also shooting for Wobblin' Goblin. Keep it up!
  13. Very nice! It's refreshing to not see a military craft up here. I also love the photos. Good work!
  14. I've technically been to Duna, but I was using someone else's launcher and a tiny ship. No return home I still need to go back there.
  15. It's obsolete but it's still a stealth fighter, so yes. Remember to post the teaser of a non-prototype! Looking good! I see you're aiming for Signed by the Author, yes? But don't forget to add landing gear, like the Engineer's Report said!
  16. Hehehe. So I can still feel superior in at least one area? YESSSSS!
  17. Like a bad penny, I keep coming back! I just learned that CTRL + F on Windows is "find"!
  18. No, if you post a picture of any stealth plane which is not your prototype you get 5 points. Heck, you could post your F-22- it's stealth, right? See above, or Mad Rocket Scientist's F-19 entry.
  19. For his birthday, Chuck Norris throws one lucky kid into the sun. For HIS birthday, Scot Manley drinks a beer, figures out the trajectory for a rendezvous and return mission ala ARM, brings the kid back home, and finishes his beer before it gets warm.
  20. Welcome! You've already surpassed my orbital and interplanetary acheivements. Nice work! *grits teeth and works on planes* I have a hunch that you'll be a star in the Mission Control subforum. Happy launching!
  21. A friendly reminder that all posters who announce their desire to participate and include a stealth plane which is not a prototype of their entry are awarded 5 extra points. Oooh, ouch. That stinks. Still, pics or it didn't happen Jeb doesn't drink! Other than that, spot on. A friendly reminder that all posters who announce their desire to participate and include a stealth plane which is not a prototype of their entry are awarded 5 extra points. Well, not everybody is as good at making replicas as you are. But if you can switch the points around, and post the details here, I'll consider adding it. I'm starting to think that a new entry is in order from none other than... Dman979! A picture is a picture! *shrugs*
  22. Fur mudder russa *hic* ZA Stchalina... *hic* Za rudduna... *snore*
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