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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. 6Km/s gets you a higher (and by extension slower) orbit.
  2. You got +100 rep for your sarcastic comments? Yeah, right.
  3. excuse me- 6Km/s is a lot more than 5Km/s
  4. Welcome! I'm surprised you already have 2 rep bars!
  5. Yeah, I'm gonna obsessively refresh the store page.
  6. Welcome! I hope that I do not have to make my posts grammatically correct now!
  7. Come on, QUOTE US ALL! QUOTE US ALL! QUOTE US AL.... Guys?
  8. I know that some of my planes use wings for shaping, and that just won't fly now.
  9. It's small, rich, and has an army as large as the NYPD, or even slightly smaller. WDYK about San Marino?
  10. I was very tempted not to post this. Yes, I am the one, the only, DMAN979! TUBM needs a diaper.
  11. Thanks! Try spaces or different fonts for variety. 4/10.
  12. Steam does something similar. It's a pain in the butt for CoH2.
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