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Everything posted by lukeoftheaura

  1. It wouldn't count as slavery, because an AI is a robot and not a human.
  2. that's one. there is a more obvious one though.
  3. I've got a dr who theory. the TARDIS is bigger on the inside than the outside. I've guessed it is a POCKET DIMENSION. this fits well with the rest of dr who, and explains the time travel. because it is a pocket dimension, it can space travel and jump time streams. what do you guys think?
  4. sorry the sum is 10-11=9 can you work it out?
  5. I can make planes....... not much else
  6. how do you change what it says above your rep bar? I see lots of different ones, but I don't know how to change mine..... any help?
  7. what are the new ones called? I can't find a control surface.
  8. I got to zaonce and then got shot down by galcop.....
  9. False! the user below me has a joystick
  10. banned for having speech marks in your signature
  11. ^^^ how would I make a boat to get to the island? any tips??? stock please!
  12. how do I change my profile picture? can any1 tell me?
  13. I agree. ksp should be opengl 3 (or at least have an option for opengl...)
  14. my challenge to you is to make an ion powered (and only ion) rocket/plane go into orbit! post: a screenshot of it on the launchpad/runway a screenshot when it is on the mission a screenshot of the map showing it's in orbit ed. Stock ONLY!
  15. Good one! I was just making this for fun. your parachutes idea is good, maybe I will add chutes to the v2.
  16. I tried to fly it to the island, but I am rubbish at flying. Post a screenshot if you get there!
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