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Everything posted by Geneborg

  1. Hm, could it be you want something more like "MS Publisher"....Magazine layout software? Haven't used it for quite some time (newer versions), but it should do the trick.
  2. Thx for commenting everyone, always nice to read some feedback. Thank you, it just seemed the best way to represent the Kerbals themselves, SQUAD did a beautiful job with their trailers. There was enough material to cut them together for the initial sequence. Well, i give you that. Maybe not the most creative way to display text, it was a creative desicion, sometimes it works, sometimes not. Thank you. Yes, KSP has come a long way, there is quite some content now compared to when it started. Thank you, too. We are still very much involved with KSP, i myself for about 1,5 years now. It's one of the better early access games out there and it deserves more recognition. I hope Squad will keep it up, they may not be the fastest on the planet, but they do seem to care.
  3. Something else to think about: as we probably wouldn't finda 2nd earth, we would want animals/plants to adapt to the new conditions, so why take 1:1 copies of earth species? We would probably engineer what we need specifically for the planet/ecosystem in question. Even if there is no 2nd earth, but "only" a terraformed mars, there wouldn't be a 1:1 atmosphere, soil, magnetic field or gravity. So better to engineer a plant that is optimally suited for those conditions.
  4. Yep, using JSGME too, it only lacks an automated version check, but i don't want an automated update either...because we see "bad updates" all the time. I play with several mods that are not up to date because of flaws in newer versions. EDIT: thats why i have disabled automated updates in steam too.
  5. Its better that way. As a german speaking guy, Windows 9 would be like saying "Windows NO"
  6. hm, thats really a nice view, and gives a good impression of scale. They seem to push out quite some volume of gas/cycle to move the object at all. Do we know any figures about how many seconds/thrust are availabe?
  7. Let me say at first: Win10 does many things right, for example we have a choice now what and how we want to see stuff on what device, no terrible UI forced on us. Everyone who argues UI is not important really needs a reality check, but thats my opinion, tainted from the fact that i use multiple monitors, are the guy to call when ppl have problems...so i got to see frustration levels of ppl after getting a new notebook/pc with Win8 preinstalled. Next is the fact that Win8.1 and Win10 are faster then Win7, thats simply true. So from that perspective a "good enough" UI will make me switch to Win10, i also think MS will again bind DX12 to Win10 (they both release autumn 2015) like they did with Vista. I love gaming so, yea, at least one WinPC will switch to Win10. P.S. a word of advice using the preview of Win10: it phones home, and i mean it phones EVERYTHING home: keypresses, e-mail content, you name it. Its written in the user agreement that nobody reads So be adviced, don't run it as your main system.
  8. Ahw...thats nice. Would buy it, even just as a present...nice. Next Version: Apollo-set.
  9. Thx for commenting, hope you enjoyed the video. Yes, indeed, in some context additional info could be helpful sometimes, maybe as option to show/hide in the menu. We noticed while making the clip that some scenes didn't explain themselves without any contextual info so the "banners" where the answer to that.
  10. Hm..well, its a nice..trick, and, tbh, they figured out how to do it with "of the shelf" stuff, so good for them, why not have some fun. But, look closely on how they hold their hands, how far down they put the ruler/pencil...this cloaking device has a weakness. It has to focus somewhere, thus if you would put a solid plate behind it it would show an artefact. So yea, nice trick for an optics-student to show he understands light, and if you look at their faces, they take it lightly too, its something to have fun with.
  11. Was about to start complaining about the score, too, then i got the "/20" part I noticed however that your difficulty level scoring seems to prefer quanity over quality, i would say if you can do EvE land/return you can do basically anything, so this maybe is more about "how far along are you on the completion-chart"?
  12. Hu...thats actually pretty huge, isn't it? I mean...yea, all biomes = complete sience gain revamp, too? How could that "slip their minds" in the devnotes/.25 hints? Not complaining!
  13. Alright, the 3 posting rule...so...1 to go And hi to everyone of course.
  14. Ever felt the need to explain KSP to somebody? Did it take you too long to talk about everything you can do in the game? Well, this short movie tries to do it in 4 minutes. Starting out with the great Kerbal animations from Squad (because nothing says cute Kerbal like the trailers), continuing on how failing and succeeding lies close together, an intermezzo with asteroids, sience and stuff and finally finishing up with the community. Some pictures to get you in the mood: This started out as a small test back in July. Instead of doing random stuff it was themed with KSP. After some shots came together D.Fontana thought of a "story" to tell and the version you see here came together. This movie stays true to KSP, so no post processing or effects that are not in the game (well, the smoke when the rocket takes of is the 1 exception), what you see is what you get as we deemed appropriate for a "This is XY" movie. But enough words, enjoy. P.S. after this was finished we started doing some ModShowcases because, why not, we are used to play with some great tools that the modders provided.
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