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Everything posted by BlackTalos

  1. I am guessing that the pack must focus on "Vertical Rocketry"? Any suggestions along the lines of "landing gears" (wheeled) or "aeronautics" not on the list? That restricts suggestions as this mod is quite comprehensive! (<---Very good thing). But at first glance: - Matching SaS (for 3.75m & 5m). Either in-line (structural integrity possibly compromised) or Radial-mounted (i'd refer you back to KW Rocketry, but you must know of them) - "Strong" Launch Clamps (if that is code-able?) would fit nicely in the "Heavy Lifting" theme. Possibly launch-tower sized (obviously a much larger project - both coding and demanding on Ram if considered) - fill-out adapter blanks? I had been waiting a while for the 5m-3.75m adapter (KW didn't provide) and also sometime need 5m-1.25m adapters. At the moment i need to go 5m-3.75m-1.25m in succession (KW have a 3.75m-1.25m) Hope this satiates any idea-hunger
  2. When those are in the pack, it'll become a must-have (the rocket-separatrons were too, but you know, this is a 300% increase (2 ports) in must-have-ness) =P Good Work and Congrats!
  3. Wow, something i never knew... The "strength" of it now make a lot more sense when i was relying on 2 of them to hold my 3.75m ship design.... Thing is, as per the example video above, is that even 1.25m Rockets, attached with 1.25m ports to other 1.25m "pushing" rockets will be "floppy" compared to the same design where both ports are replaced with 2 Structural Fuselage for example. Now having any of the new ports with the strength of a Structural Fuselage might be seen as "OP" though, but i could easily see and exponential growth in Strength: 0.625 ports are very weak 1.25 ports have the strength of Girders 3.75 or 5m ports have the strength of Fuel tanks/Structural Fuselage (I seems to me they are the same?) This is also just comments if you're considering going down the ports route. I'm quite happy building pull-rocket trains or Multi-port Docking You might want to have a look at this mod then: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/73005-Kip-Engineering-If-you-use-the-hubs-read-the-PSA-%2820th-Oct-2014%29 It seems doable, but as with KW, i have no idea if this one is also what to expect... Haven't tried this mod.
  4. If you do add 3.75 and 5.0 docking ports, A) Have a look at the KW Rocketry Docking Ring (3.75 and 2.5m combined) - it has a very nice skin too. I don't know if it is part-related, but can they be "Strong" ports? Rather than the standard KSP ports: I use your MRS mod, but have held back from SpaceY because KW is pretty much the same parts (Pretty much all you need for a Saturn V rocket). Since R1 and F1 additions, and the amazing Separatron-decoupler node, i am considering simply having both for those parts (I'd use F1, R1 above the KW Griffon Century) and the Decouplers. 5m "strong" docking ports would just make the mod compulsory for the heavy designs i use =P
  5. I have not updated Station Science to 1.3.1 yet, so i use 1.3 only, but i also use NEAR and have not encountered any issues. I do have occasional crashes but not located the origin yet. They tend to happen when docking/changing ship views etc but a standard launch and return has no problems...
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